
Thankful for Energy Savings

Cooking Tom Turkey is going to cost you, but not much.   Here is the deal.  If you live in a state with an active...

CEA Statement on Obama’s Keystone XL Pipeline Rejection

In response to today’s announcement by President Barack Obama rejecting the Keystone XL pipeline, Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) Executive Vice President Michael Whatley issued...
Pipeline worker in pipe

Another Labor Day without Keystone XL

This coming Labor Day Weekend marks the fourth year Union construction workers will not be taking a day off from building the Keystone XL Pipeline to...
Early morning sun breaks light over the sand dunes

Nation’s Leading Consumer Energy Advocate Applauds Millions of GOMESA Funds Disbursed to Support Coastal...

Washington, D.C. – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading consumer energy advocate, applauds the U.S. Department of the Interior’s disbursement of almost $353 million in...
Group of Friends on the Beach

Consumer Report: North Carolinians Saved Almost $12 Billion Thanks to Low-Priced Fuel

Consumer Energy Alliance Examines Energy Production’s Benefits to North Carolina’s Families, Small Businesses and Industries in New Report Raleigh, NC. —North Carolina families and businesses...
Person at Gas Station

How The Push Towards Green Energy Is Affecting Energy Prices

CEA President, David Holt, joined the TD Ameritrade Network to discuss OPEC's latest production cuts and the impact that may have on gas prices and...
Solar energy farm

The Solar Industry Cashes in on Government Subsidies

Consumer Energy Alliance's solar incentive analysis was featured in an op-ed by North Carolina State Rep. Chris Millis. Imagine for a moment you are a North...
American oil refinery

Natural Gas Scorecard Shows Ohio Needs Its Now More Than Ever

Chris Ventura, CEA's Midwest Executive Director examines how natural gas produced in Ohio has continued to help families and businesses save money on energy...

Southeast Leaders Voice Concerns with EPA’s Proposed Carbon Emissions Regulations

Atlanta, GA – Leaders from key consumer groups, businesses, seniors, and labor and public officials from the nation’s southeast region today convened a press...
Larimer Street in Denver Colorado

Colorado Must Avoid Germany’s Disastrous Energy Mistakes

The Wall Street Journal dubbed Germany's “energywiende” energy transition from traditional to renewable energy sources “the world’s dumbest energy policy.” CEA's Emily Haggstrom underlines...