Press Releases

House NRC Hearing Highlights Rising Fuel Prices, Weakness In American Energy Policy

House NRC Hearing Highlights Rising Fuel Prices, Weakness In American Energy Policy Alliance Calls for Relief from Pain at the Pump; Access to More Domestic...

CEA Applauds BOEMRE Efforts to Streamline Offshore Wind Leasing

CEA Applauds BOEMRE Efforts to Streamline Offshore Wind Leasing Decision Closes Week of Debate, Support for Domestic Energy Production WASHINGTON -- The Bureau of Ocean Energy...

CEA applauds vote in U.S. House to develop energy resources offshore

CEA applauds vote in U.S. House to develop energy resources offshore WASHINGTON – New access to abundant energy resources offshore could soon be granted to...

More Energy Now Tells Obama Administration to Reduce Dependence on Foreign Oil

More Energy Now Tells Obama Administration to Reduce Dependence on Foreign Oil Consumer Energy Alliance launches online campaign giving consumers direct line to the White...

CEA: President Addresses Energy Problem, But More Access to Domestic Energy Resources Needed

CEA: President Addresses Energy Problem, But More Access to Domestic Energy Resources Needed Alliance Continues to Urge for Expanded American Energy Production to Relieve Escalating...

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member NACS

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member NACS HOUSTON — Today, Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) welcomed  NACS as its newest member. Founded in 1961...

CEA:“Use It or Lose It” Legislation Wrong Approach; Access to Domestic Energy Resources Needed

CEA:“Use It or Lose It” Legislation Wrong Approach; Access to Domestic Energy Resources Needed WASHINGTON – Following a press conference today by Senators Robert Menendez...

President Obama to Expedite Approvals for Portions of Keystone XL Project

President Obama to Expedite Approvals for Portions of Keystone XL Project HOUSTON, TX- Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) welcomes the recent announcement that the President will support shortening...

CEA: Russian, Cuban Offshore Energy Production Agreement Must Send Strong Message to Washington

WASHINGTON - August 4, 2009  Reports have surfaced that Russia and Cuba have struck a multi-million dollar deal that will, in part, expand energy...

CEA Joins Amicus Brief Supporting Energy Development in the Gulf of Mexico

CEA Joins Amicus Brief Supporting Energy Development in the Gulf of Mexico HOUSTON – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) has joined with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce,...