Article of Interest: Pipelines and Their Benefits to New York

A couple paying their utility bills

According to Consumer Energy Alliance’s latest report  “Pipelines and their Benefits to New York,” New York’s families and businesses are facing increased energy costs and reduced economic opportunities as a result of constraints on critical infrastructure.

Earlier this week, Consumer Energy Alliance released their latest report on “Pipelines and Their Benefits to New York,” examining how pipelines can save New Yorkers extra dollars on their energy bills, bring thousands of jobs to the state, and many more benefits.

Read more – New York Affordable Reliable Electricity Alliance

New Yorkers Pay 44% More for Electric than Neighboring States

New York City Skyline

CEA’s latest report, “Pipelines and their Benefits to New York,” which looked at how families across New York were impacted by infrastructure constraints was recently covered by Marcellus Drilling News.

On average, New York residents pay 44% more for electricity than neighboring states, like Pennsylvania. In January of this year, New Yorkers (and NY utility companies) were briefly forced to pay a record high of $140.25 per thousand cubic feet (Mcf) for natural gas, as opposed to what everyone else was paying (an average of $3.08/Mcf)–which is 46 times as much!

Read more – Marcellus Drilling News

More Energy Production, Infrastructure Needed to Stabilize Fast-rising Gas Prices

Tanker truck with American flag

With gas prices across Florida steadily increasing, CEA’s Kevin Doyle looks at how families across the state fared the last time we saw soaring gas prices.

Remember a few years back when gas was $4 per gallon and tourism agencies had to provide gas cards to entice visitors? Everyone was looking everywhere for immediate relief, expansions in energy infrastructure and production included.

Read more – Tallahassee Democrat

Consumer Energy Alliance Releases Report on Benefits of Pipelines to New York

Mom and child taking a selfie

ALBANY, N.Y. — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) today released a report titled “Pipelines and their Benefits to New York” at a breakfast discussion on the Future of Natural Gas and Economic Development in New York, hosted by New Yorkers for Affordable Energy. Faced with a new everyday reality of energy insecurity for many in the U.S., CEA’s report examines the benefits of pipelines to New York – specifically highlighting the need for affordable energy supplies to keep the daily lives of families and businesses across New York moving.

CEA’s report examines the benefits of pipelines, and the availability of fuels like natural gas, outside of the traditional scope of jobs and economic growth. That’s because CEA believes the benefits of pipelines should also be examined for their cost reductions and the critical service the energy they transport provides to New York’s families, small businesses and households – especially people living on the margins of society or even paycheck-to-paycheck.

Highlights from the report include:

  • Consumers and households in New York already pay 44 percent more for electricity than the national average – even though neighboring Pennsylvania has ample supplies of energy and pipeline infrastructure available to benefit New Yorkers.
  • In January 2018, spot market prices in the New York City region jumped to a record high of $140.25 for natural gas, as compared to the average natural gas spot market price for New York in 2017 was $3.08. New Yorkers were subjected to prices that were $137 higher due to self-inflicted capacity constraints created by their own elected officials.
  • In New York, natural gas alone provides nearly 46 percent of the state’s electricity needs. As the state continues to rely more and more on natural gas and building or expanding gas-fired power plants, that number is expected to rise to 56 percent of New York’s electric needs.
  • 74 percent of energy generation for downstate residents is provided by fossil fuels – and natural gas is used by more than half of all New Yorkers to heat their homes.
  • Natural gas is the foundational building block for the state’s manufacturing sector. New York had over 194,400 jobs that were tied to energy-intensive companies and made up nearly 55 percent of the state’s manufacturing sector.
  • There is a significant economic impact to New York from the numerous denied, delayed and proposed pipeline projects in the state.

“This report highlights the often-overlooked benefits New York’s communities are receiving because of the U.S. energy revolution, enhanced infrastructure, and pipelines,” Mike Butler, CEA’s Mid-Atlantic Director, said. “However, New York families, businesses, and households will not be able to realize the full potential of these benefits until natural gas plays a larger role in the state to offset intermittency issues and the physical realities of the state’s electric grid.”

“We believe in a balanced, constructive, all-of-the-above energy policy that utilizes all of our resources – conventional and renewable. CEA continues to urge policymakers in New York to embrace the benefits and growth potential that energy delivery brings to communities across the state. Everyone from working mothers trying to pay their bills, to small retailers who spend a large percentage of their revenue on electricity and meet their bottom lines – we all have a stake in making sure we meet our energy needs and it should be a top priority for our policymakers to ensure we do.”

To view the report, click here.


About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) brings together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers and manufacturers to support America’s energy future. With more than 500,000 members nationwide, our mission is to help ensure stable prices and energy security for households across the country. We believe energy development is something that touches everyone in our nation, and thus it is necessary for all of us to actively engage in the conversation about how we develop our diverse energy resources and energy’s importance to the economy. Learn more at

Emily Haggstrom
P: 720-582-0242

Issues and Ideas Radio Featuring Mike Butler

Gas Station

CEA’s Mike Butler recently appeared on Issues and Ideas to discuss the impact high gas prices are having on energy consumers across Pennsylvania and what can be done to east the pain at the pump.

Listen here – WHCY – FM

Why a New Severance Tax Is a Bad Idea

Small Coffee Shop

CEA Mid-Atlantic Executive Director Mike Butler discusses how a severance tax on energy production will harm families, farmers, and manufacturers across Pennsylvania.

Philadelphia is among 20 finalists for Amazon’s second headquarters and the gold rush-like effect – the creation of thousands of jobs, millions in much-needed tax revenue and decades’ worth of economic growth – few industries can provide. Except energy.

To power a facility like this, lawmakers should hail the continued development of our state’s energy sector. Instead, some keep taking about a job- and growth-killing severance tax on natural gas production.

Read more – Philadelphia Business Journal

Energy Speakers Call Pipelines Key to Natural Gas Boom

Mom with two young children

At a recent chamber of commerce breakfast event, speakers discussed how a lack of pipeline infrastructure is causing Pennsylvanians to spend more money on energy than they should.

“To fully realize the full potential of energy, we need a robust infrastructure (of pipelines),” Marrara said. “We have to connect consumers and customers to supply.

“Customers in southeastern Pennsylvania are paying higher prices because they’re getting natural gas from Louisiana because there’s not enough infrastructure to transport it.”

Read more – Observer-Reporter

Consumer Energy Alliance Statement on Passage of Grid Modernization Legislation

St. Louis's Gateway Arch National Park

JEFFERSON CITY, MO  — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), a national advocate for energy consumers, today released the following statement by CEA’s Midwest Executive Director Chris Ventura, after Senate Bill 564 was passed overwhelmingly by the Missouri State House of Representatives:

“On behalf of CEA members representing families, households, and seniors on fixed incomes across Missouri, we want to thank this overwhelmingly bipartisan effort in the House, to pass grid modernization legislation, that will help us have smarter, more stable and secure electric infrastructure in the state. We thank members in the Missouri House and Senate for focusing their attention on the importance of ensuring we have modernized energy infrastructure to meet our future needs in our ever-connected world.

“As advocates for families, small businesses and households, we are pleased that the bill provides for first-ever rate caps and will return more than $133 million to consumers within 90 days of becoming law. We look forward to working together with Missouri policymakers to support building the energy infrastructure that not only provides upgraded capabilities but also protects the pocketbooks of people on fixed incomes or living paycheck to paycheck. Nothing is more important to us than ensuring energy consumers – especially those struggling to make ends meet – are treated fairly.”

CEA recently released a report titled, “Missouri Families, Small Businesses and Households Need a Modern, Upgraded Grid,” to highlight the importance of improving and modernizing Missouri’s energy grid. CEA’s report found that Missouri’s families, households, seniors, small businesses, and manufacturers are seeing increasing costs of electricity with decreasing reliability, all while missing out on the tremendous economic benefits of a smarter, more integrated grid that could optimize clean energy resources, guard against cyber threats, and restore power in the event of a storm or outage.


About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) brings together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers and manufacturers to support America’s energy future. With more than 500,000 members nationwide, our mission is to help ensure stable prices and energy security for households across the country. We believe energy development is something that touches everyone in our nation, and thus it is necessary for all of us to actively engage in the conversation about how we develop our diverse energy resources and energy’s importance to the economy. Learn more at

Emily Haggstrom
P: 720-582-0242

Energy Infrastructure Investment Can Unlock Jobs, Energy Security

Pipeline construction

With Infrastructure Week in full swing, we need to recognize the importance of investing in our energy delivery system – from pipelines to transmission lines – in order to expand our economy and provide affordable, reliable energy to families, farmers, and businesses across our country.

Communities across the nation who embrace those opportunities can enjoy not just affordable, reliable energy but jobs – including well-paying, middle-class sustaining construction jobs. Besides the roads, bridges and buildings usually in the spotlight when policymakers talk about investing in U.S. infrastructure, 32 percent of today’s construction industry workforce is employed on energy projects, amounting to over 2 million workers. Pipeline construction alone supports more than 41,700 jobs for union workers each year, generating over $2.3 billion in wages.

Read more – The Hill