Solar Bill Is Issue of Fairness

Solar Installation

CEA’s Brydon Ross discusses why it is important to put in place responsible energy policies that will allow for the growth of solar energy in Kentucky.

Future compensation to sell excess generation back to the grid will be paid a competitive rate, instead of today’s 300 percent premium price. This would help incentive policies stay in line with the dramatic reduction in solar installation costs (down 70 percent since 2010) and put it on a responsible path for expansion.

Pipelines Help Keep Energy Affordable

Family riding bikes in the woods

CEA’s Link Browder discusses how pipelines and other energy infrastructure help to keep energy prices affordable for Louisiana families.

And while social service programs that aid low-income families help foot the bill, they don’t address the root problem – preventing bills from getting that high to begin with.

These programs also strain local and federal governments, which oftentimes don’t have the money to assist and with many of these programs recently being reassessed, we can’t just blindly assume they will be safety nets for people in the future.

Read more – Daily Comet

Gooch Made Concessions to Solar Advocates to Move Net Metering Bill

Family Walking in the Park

Brydon Ross discusses how legislation updating Kentucky’s energy policies has changed during the legislative process to further safeguard Kentuckians who have invested in solar energy while ensuring solar can continue to responsibly grow.

Kentucky’s 14-year-old private solar policy is outdated, and the costs to provide power 24/7 are not being fairly allocated between solar and non-solar users. This will inevitably hurt the progress of solar energy unless policy is modernized to ensure its sustainable growth while protecting all consumers equally.

Read more – Lexington Herald-Leader

Offshore Drilling Good for Georgians

Group of Friends on the Beach

CEA’s Kevin Doyle discusses the benefits of offshore energy exploration for families across the Peach State.

Fortunately, through a combination of improved tools, management and regulation, the energy sector’s embrace of environmental and social goals over the last 15 years has helped turn the U.S. into a world leader in conservation and efficiency, reducing everything from carbon- and smog-forming emissions to sulfur dioxide, and particulate matters.

Read more – The Augusta Chronicle

Consumer Group Praises Ruling by Court to Provide Regulatory Consistency and Move Forward with New York Pipeline Permitting

Household Furnace Repair

Houston, TX — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), a national advocate for energy consumers and low income households, today released a statement by CEA President David Holt on the ruling by the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to end the New York Department of Environmental Conservation’s (DEC) continuous efforts to add unnecessary reviews for permits needed to build critical pipeline infrastructure.

“Today’s decision sends a clear message not only to New York regulators, but state agencies across the country, who are often trying to add unnecessary and redundant delays in the review of permits. CEA supports strong regulatory controls and oversight, but lack of transparency and excessive and endless delays must not be allowed to cause energy shortages and price increases. Regulators must be held to an accountable standard.”

“Critical pipeline projects have been held up with permitting processes that are increasingly being abused in an effort to delay development. Unfortunately, low-income families, seniors, and households across the Northeast and New England are left with the bill. Those who rely on affordable energy have already endured their third major Nor’easter this year – and because of regulatory overreach and a lack of pipeline capacity – paid the highest price for natural gas in the industrialized world in January.”

“The region’s supply situation was so bad this winter that they imported Russian LNG when ample supplies of domestic energy were available and waiting for delivery. We thank the Court for restoring common sense to the process and urge policymakers to quit playing politics with pipelines and our pocketbooks.”

The issue before the Court was a Section 401 Water Quality Certification for a roughly eight mile pipeline to serve a power plant approved by state and federal regulators. The New York DEC approved the power plant but not the pipeline to provide the fuel for operation and it spent more than a year delaying a final decision, which exceeds timelines established in the Clean Water Act.


About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) brings together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers and manufacturers to support America’s energy future. With more than 500,000 members nationwide, our mission is to help ensure stable prices and energy security for households across the country. We believe energy development is something that touches everyone in our nation, and thus it is necessary for all of us to actively engage in the conversation about how we develop our diverse energy resources and energy’s importance to the economy. Learn more at

Emily Haggstrom
P: 720-582-0242

Misconceptions About Solar Bill

Residential Solar Installation

It’s been over a decade since Kentucky’s policymakers have revisited energy policy to assess the state of renewable energy and how to best encourage sustainable, long-term growth.

This helps our incentive policies stay in line with the dramatic reduction in costs for solar installations and puts solar on a path for long-term sustained growth. More households would benefit, allowing more opportunities for solar’s growth.

Read more – The News-Enterprise

Expanding offshore energy in the Gulf will have positive impacts on Louisiana’s communities

Construction Workers Cutting Plywood

Consumer and Business Groups to DOI: More Access to Energy Helps Louisiana Families and Businesses, Powers Economy

Consumer Energy Alliance and Louisiana Groups Urge Support for Federal Government’s Proposed Offshore Energy Plan

BATON ROUGE, LA — March 6, 2018 — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), a national advocate for energy consumers, and various Louisiana organizations joined together today to show support for the U.S. Department of the Interior’s (DOI) proposed 2019-2024 National OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Draft Proposed Program. During a press conference held near the DOI’s public meeting on the Draft Proposed Program, speakers highlighted the positive impact expanding offshore energy development in the Gulf will have on Louisiana’s families and businesses.

The following individuals provided quotes for today’s press conference:

“Lifted up by human innovation and technological advances, the energy revolution has allowed the United States to achieve continued environmental progress, demonstrating that American energy development and a healthy environment go hand-in-hand. However, without access to more areas in places like the Gulf of Mexico, these benefits are at risk for Louisiana,” said Brent Greenfield, vice president for policy at CEA. “Supporting the Interior Department’s proposal to both continue and expand access to Gulf of Mexico energy will protect the long-term energy and economic security of Louisiana families and small businesses.”

Greenfield continued: “With estimated benefits for Louisiana alone as high as 31,000 additional jobs, over $2.5 billion in annual economic growth, and nearly $2.3 billion in state revenue, expanding access to Gulf energy can help provide a major boost to Louisiana families and small businesses, especially those struggling to make ends meet, by also helping to keep energy costs affordable, so Louisianans have more money in their pocket to spend on critical needs whether it’s groceries, rent, saving for college, or filling a prescription, and giving the state revenue that can help provide public services and support major infrastructure projects.”

Discussing what expanded access to domestic energy will mean to the trucking industry, Louisiana Motor Transport Association Executive Director Chance McNeely stated, “Louisiana’s trucking industry is ready to help deliver a strong economic future for our state. The federal government’s proposal to expand access to domestic energy will help bring about a more prosperous future for Louisiana, and the trucking industry is proud to be a partner in celebrating this forward thinking effort.”

Louisiana Association of Business and Industry President & CEO Stephen Waguespack explained the impact increased energy access will have on Louisiana’s working families and businesses by stating, “The federal government’s proposal to increase energy access in the Gulf of Mexico is critically important to Louisiana and the nation as a whole. Smart development of these ample resources can bring large-scale investments and jobs to Louisiana that will benefit our state budget, working families and businesses of all sizes. Louisiana has the best energy workforce in the nation and they are hungry for new opportunities. This important proposal can help put them back to work.”

Urging the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management to maintain all of the proposed leasing regions, South Central Industrial Association Executive Director Christy Naquin stated, “South Central Industrial Association (SCIA) represents roughly 250 member companies with over 200,000 employees, many of whom are engaged in servicing the oil, gas and marine operations in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico and around the world – most of whom live in the Bayou region of Terrebonne, Lafourche, St. Mary and Assumption parishes. For the benefit of these families and businesses across Louisiana, SCIA strongly supports the decision to expand access in the Gulf of Mexico and we urge the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management to maintain ALL of the proposed leasing regions as it further develops the 2019-2024 offshore leasing program.”

Naquin continued: “With nearby infrastructure already in place, freeing the over 90% of the OCS that is currently off limits would permit exploration of undiscovered oil and gas which would allow for our economic prosperity, American job growth and even the opportunity for energy dominance.”

Commenting on the important role the Gulf coast plays in American energy production, Gulf Economic Survival Team Executive Director Lori LeBlanc stated, “The Gulf coast has long been proud to play a leading role in our American energy future and we are pleased this Administration has put forth a sensible OCS program for the United States as it considers 90% of all of the OCS acreage and allows us to finally unleash America’s energy potential.”

LeBlanc also discussed how Louisiana balances energy development and environmental protection by adding, “Louisiana is a leader in producing American energy, and we have also become leaders in balancing energy production with environmental stewardship. Louisiana has demonstrated that we can fuel America while at the same time we can provide the nation with nearly 30 percent of the nation’s commercial fisheries catch. Louisiana’s success in effectively achieving that balance is a shining example of what the United States can achieve in other federal offshore areas.”

Greater Lafourche Port Commission Executive Director Chett Chiasson highlighted how continued energy development would help bring more jobs and economic growth to the state by saying, “Port Fourchon directly supports over 10,800 good-paying jobs across the state of Louisiana and accounts for nearly $4 billion in direct economic activity each year, which includes over $650 million in household earnings. For the Port to continue to grow and have a successful future creating jobs throughout the economy and facilitating development for our community, continued Gulf of Mexico energy exploration and development is critically important. That is why the federal proposal to consider not only continued but expanded access to Gulf of Mexico energy is so important.”

Chiasson added, “As a commercial and recreational fishing mecca, an intermodal transportation hub, a unique area for recreation and ecotourism, and a hot spot for research on coastal restoration and marsh creation methods, the Port is a shining example of how industry and environment can coexist successfully.”


About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) brings together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers and manufacturers to support America’s energy future. With more than 500,000 members nationwide, our mission is to help ensure stable prices and energy security for households across the country. We believe energy development is something that touches everyone in our nation, and thus it is necessary for all of us to actively engage in the conversation about how we develop our diverse energy resources and energy’s importance to the economy. Learn more at

Emily Haggstrom
P: 720-582-0242

Public Comment Window on Affordable Energy, Jobs, and Economic Growth Continues Through Friday

Old and worn construction helmets on wall

Consumer Energy Alliance’s Brent Greenfield participated in a press conference in support of affordable energy and economic growth through offshore energy exploration.

Lifted up by human innovation and technological advances, the energy revolution has allowed the United States to achieve continued environmental progress, demonstrating that American energy development and a health environment go hand-in-hand.

Read more – BCA Today

CERAWeek Update: Natural Gas, Infrastructure Take the Stage

CEA President David Holt participated in a CERAWeek panel focused on challenges to expanding energy infrastructure with representatives from energy managers, environmental and conservation groups.

“While solar and wind are ascendant, they’re still a very, very small part of our electricity portfolio. Right now the only solution, the only viable solution for families around the country is natural gas to meet our electricity needs. … But unless we build the energy delivery mechanisms to bring that natural gas to market, we are by definition risking increasing prices for the very people we’re trying to protect.”

Read more – Energy Tomorrow

Trump Drilling Plan Faces Backlash

Family Outside in a Field

CEA’s David Holt recently spoke with The Hill on the importance of creating a dialogue around offshore energy exploration so elected officials and policymakers can make well-informed decisions to benefit American families.

“What are the benefits for offshore to these coastal communities and states? What are the opportunities for revenue? What are the opportunities for jobs and infrastructure and all the other things,” he said.

“There are groups out there that are trying to foreclose a discussion for the general public and families and small business and elected leaders to better understand what these opportunities are. That’s what we’re trying to inject in the conversation.”

Read more – The Hill