Tell Washington We Support Development in Alaska

Alaska families and businesses depend on the jobs that come from our state’s abundant energy resources.

However, recent federal actions closed the door to much of Alaska’s energy opportunities – creating holes in our wallets and killing revenue that goes into our state’s schools, hospitals, roads, and other critical infrastructure.

Last Friday, President Trump announced an executive order that could RE-OPEN Alaska to energy development.

Now that we have a partner in DC, it is time for Alaskans to tell the federal government that we support this decision!

Tell the Alaska House and Senate to tell Washington that we support the development of Alaskan energy!

It’s important to speak out, as anti-development groups are vigorously fighting to stop all development in our state.

CLICK HERE AND SIGN THE LETTER to stand up for Alaska’s families, and against harmful restrictions on Alaskan energy, by registering your support for HJR 22.

Dear Member:

As an Alaskan, I am deeply troubled by recent federal actions that harmed energy-related jobs and economic development in our state.

That is why I strongly support HJR 22 and its clear signal to Washington, DC that Alaskans support the thoughtful development of our state’s energy and minerals and want restrictions lifted.

The ability of Alaska and the nation to benefit from our abundant natural resources has been artificially constrained by federal roadblock after federal roadblock.

Lifting these barriers and unleashing the full power of Alaskan energy is critical to the future of communities, families, and businesses across the state, and the way of life we’ve come to enjoy. The stakes could not be higher, especially with affordable and reliable energy, well-paying jobs, along with critical needs like functioning and well-maintained schools, hospitals, roads, and other infrastructure hanging in the balance.

Please support this important resolution and stand up for Alaska by voting yes for HJR 22.

Interior Secretary Zinke Signs Secretarial Orders at Offshore Technology Conference

Two offshore oil rigs during sunset

CEA’s David Holt discusses the Offshore Technology Conference and the impact Sec. Zinke’s order will have on energy consumers.

By setting in motion the directives given by President Trump, Secretary Zinke is ensuring we don’t mix emotional rhetoric with crafting good policies that will benefit families and businesses across our country.

 Read more – Daily Energy Insider

Supporters, Opponents Bring Familiar Arguments to 10-hour Public Hearing on Keystone XL Pipeline

Storage of pipe line segments for placement

Michael Whatley recently discussed the importance of pipeline infrastructure and how Keystone XL would help alleviate rail and traffic congestion for Nebraskans.

The volume of oil that could be moved each day by Keystone XL would fill 4,150 trucks or 1,185 railcars.

Read more – Omaha World-Herald

From Pipelines to Solar Panels: Energizing the States

Pipeline construction with wind turbines in the background

CEA’s David Holt discusses current trends in electricity markets.

Two interesting energy trends concern the electricity markets. Electricity providers are relying more on natural gas to meet electricity needs for households and businesses. As we transition to more natural gas, we’ll need pipelines to deliver this fuel to markets. While most states are ramping up efforts to meet demand, some are falling behind, incurring cost increases. We’re also seeing states, along with the solar industry, starting to recognize solar’s long-term potential. This has led to many states reviewing their current solar power plans to ensure consumers, solar providers, and the electricity grid are able to meet future needs.

Read more – The Washington DC 100

Tell Congress to Reverse Federal Regulations That Hurt South Carolina Small Businesses and Families!

South Carolina Myrtle Beach

Last year, the Obama administration released a methane rule that will negatively impact families and small businesses across the country, including right here in the Palmetto State.

While Washington’s aim was to reduce methane emissions, states have already significantly reduced those emissions without unnecessary federal oversight or intervention. In fact, since 1990, oil and natural gas producers have cut methane emissions by 21% even as natural gas production has climbed 47%.

The good news is that Congress is now considering overturning this unnecessary rule. The House of Representatives has already voted to do so. Now, it is up to the Senate to follow suit.

Act Now!

Ask Senator Graham to vote YES to remove this unnecessary rule that threatens to raise energy costs for families and small businesses across South Carolina and the nation.


Dear Senator Graham:

The oil and gas industry is a vital part of our local, state and national economy and key to our national energy security. New burdens on this already heavily regulated industry could have significant and negative unintended consequences on workers, families, local economies, small businesses, school districts, state budgets, and more.

That is why I urge you to vote YES to overturn the Waste Prevention, Production Subject to Royalties, and Resource Conservation rule published November 18, 2016.

I am concerned about the impact that the rule could have on energy costs here in South Carolina. Nationwide, this activity lowers electricity and energy costs while supporting jobs and bringing revenues to local businesses such as restaurants and hotels as well as to school districts, counties, and beyond. Smart regulation is important. However, this regulation is unnecessary and will hurt the bottom line of South Carolina families and businesses.

Again, I urge your support in overturning this unnecessary and costly rule that will harm jobs and economic activity in South Carolina and across the nation.

Thank you for your attention.

Tell Congress to Reverse Federal Regulations That Hurt Arizona Small Businesses and Families!

Phoenix Arizona

Last year, the Obama administration released a methane rule that will negatively impact families and small businesses across the country, including right here in the Grand Canyon State.

While Washington’s aim was to reduce methane emissions, states have already significantly reduced those emissions without unnecessary federal oversight or intervention. In fact, since 1990, oil and natural gas producers have cut methane emissions by 21% even as natural gas production has climbed 47%.

The good news is that Congress is now considering overturning this unnecessary rule. The House of Representatives has already voted to do so. Now, it is up to the Senate to follow suit.

Act Now!

Ask Senator McCain to vote YES to remove this unnecessary rule that threatens to raise energy costs for families and small businesses across Arizona and the nation.


Dear Senator McCain:

The oil and gas industry is a vital part of our local, state and national economy and key to our national energy security. New burdens on this already heavily regulated industry could have significant and negative unintended consequences on workers, families, local economies, small businesses, school districts, state budgets, and more.

That is why I urge you to vote YES to overturn the Waste Prevention, Production Subject to Royalties, and Resource Conservation rule published November 18, 2016.

I am concerned about the impact that the rule could have on energy costs here in Arizona. Nationwide, this activity lowers electricity and energy costs while supporting jobs and bringing revenues to local businesses such as restaurants and hotels as well as to school districts, counties, and beyond. Smart regulation is important. However, this regulation is unnecessary and will hurt the bottom line of Arizona families and businesses.

Again, I urge your support in overturning this unnecessary and costly rule that will harm jobs and economic activity in Arizona and across the nation.

Thank you for your attention.

Hundreds Gather to Share Opinions on the Keystone XL Pipeline With State Leaders

pipeline staging yard

CEA’s Michael Whatley discussed the Keystone XL Pipeline and the impact of the pipeline in the context of job creation.

It will create 55,000 jobs here in Nebraska, and have a 1.8 billion dollar economic benefit for the state.

And it will be, according to the Obama administration, environmental review to this, the safest pipeline ever built and it’s much safer to move oil through the pipelines than it is on wither rail cars or trucks.

Read more – NTV

State Officials, Experts Discuss Pipeline Development As Part of Conference

Welder in manufacturing facility

During the West Virginia Manufacturers Association’s annual Marcellus to Manufacturing Development Conference, panelists discussed the importance of pipelines to West Virginia and the region.

Since Marcellus drilling operations first began in the state, there has been debate about the most efficient ways to transport natural gas, Anderson said…

…Gas pipelines are the best solution for these problems because they provide “certainty and keep our economic development going,” Anderson said.

Read more – The State Journal

CEA Issues Statement on Signing of Pro-Solar Legislation by Governor Holcomb

Solar panel installation on household

COLUMBUS — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) Midwest Executive Director Chris Ventura today issued the following statement following Governor Holcomb’s decision to sign Senate Bill 309, which adopts pro-solar policies while bringing equity and market sensibility to the way Hoosiers’ generate their own power through remarkable renewable energy technologies.

“We applaud Governor Holcomb’s decision to sign this bipartisan legislation, designed to make solar energy more available and more affordable to all Hoosiers. Moreover, we are encouraged by Democrats and Republicans who came together to support this legislation, demonstrating that commonsense energy policy can still be achieved in a bipartisan manner.

Across the county, CEA has been educating policymakers on the importance of supporting solar energy, grid stability, and protecting consumers’ right to access solar power. We are pleased that Senate Bill 309 enacts important protections for Indiana’s families and households choosing to install renewable generation on their property and provides a framework to ensure solar is broadly accessible at affordable prices.”

As part of Consumer Energy Alliance’s Solar Energy Future campaign, the organization released a report, “Incentivizing Solar Energy: An In-Depth Analysis of U.S. Solar Incentives,” that provides a comprehensive quantification of solar incentives available for U.S. energy consumers. The report analyzes the cost for a typical solar facility in 15 states and details the federal, state, and local incentives available for rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV).

Zinke Orders Revamp of 2017-2022 OCS Oil, NatGas Leasing, Appoints Energy Counselor

Offshore oil rig in Gulf of Mexico

CEA recently hosted Sec. Zinke at the Offshore Technology Conference to further the discussion on how energy consumers are impacted by offshore energy exploration.

Borrowing staging frequently used by President Trump, Zinke signed two secretarial orders on a stage at the OTC, flanked by a couple dozen men and women wearing white hard hats and overalls who were said to work on offshore platforms. He also addressed attendees at an event hosted by the Consumer Energy Alliance.

Read more – NGI