West Virginia Candidates Look to Future of State’s Energy During Wheeling Conference

Onshore fracking well pad

CEA Midwest recently hosted the West Virginia Energy and Manufacturing Forum in Wheeling, WV.  This forum brought together elected and public officials, key labor and business leaders, academia, manufacturers and energy producers to discuss the importance of responsible energy development in the context of jobs, the economy, revitalization of the domestic manufacturing sector, and increased energy security and U.S. competitiveness for West Virginia.

Republican West Virginia gubernatorial candidate Bill Cole said in Wheeling Wednesday the role of government should be to partner with job creators, and not impede development with excessive regulation. Cole and Rep. David B. McKinley, R-W.Va., each addressed the West Virginia Energy and Manufacturing Forum Wednesday at Oglebay Park’s Wilson Lodge.

Read more – The Intelligencer

Cole, McKinley Call for Comprehensive National, State Energy Policy

Harpers Ferry West Virginia

CEA Midwest recently hosted the West Virginia Energy and Manufacturing Forum in Wheeling, WV.  This forum brought together elected and public officials, key labor and business leaders, academia, manufacturers and energy producers to discuss the importance of responsible energy development in the context of jobs, the economy, revitalization of the domestic manufacturing sector, and increased energy security and U.S. competitiveness for West Virginia.

U.S. Rep. David McKinley, R-W.Va., and Republican gubernatorial candidate Bill Cole were among those calling for a comprehensive national and local energy policy at the Consumer Energy Alliance’s West Virginia Energy and Manufacturing Forum in Wheeling, WV. The forum included state oil and gas executives and business leaders. Advocates spoke of the importance of recognizing the need for pipelines and other infrastructure to get energy to consumers, and less regulation to get the infrastructure built.

Read more – The State Journal

U.S. Representative David McKinley and West Virginia Gubernatorial Candidate Sen. Bill Cole Say Rational Energy Policy Needed at Consumer Energy Alliance’s 2016 West Virginia Energy and Manufacturing Forum

WHEELING — West Virginia – and the rest of the U.S. – is in need of bipartisan progress and a sensible, rational process on energy issues, including pipeline projects, key political, business and labor leaders said in a discussion today about energy issues and the importance of responsible energy development at Consumer Energy Alliance’s (CEA) West Virginia Energy and Manufacturing Forum, in Wheeling.

The event is the third in a series of energy and manufacturing events this year that have brought together public officials, business and labor leaders and stakeholders to share their perspectives on energy policy in the context of jobs, the economy and U.S. competitiveness and their visions for the future of West Virginia energy.
Speakers at the Wheeling forum included:

• West Virginia Gubernatorial Candidate Sen. Bill Cole
• U.S. Representative David McKinley
• George Stark, Director of External Affairs for Cabot Oil and Gas
• Bob Orndorff, Senior Policy Advisor, State & Local Affairs for Dominion
• Toby Mack, President and CEO of Energy Equipment and Infrastructure Alliance
• Brian Joseph, CEO of Touchstone Research Laboratory
• Derrick Williamson, West Virginia Energy Users
• Steve White, West Virginia State Building and Construction Trade Council
• Justin Gray, Business Manager, LiUNA Local 1149
• Kyle Brown, President, Upper Ohio Valley Building Trades Council.

In regards to the need for energy policy leadership and opportunities for progress, Sen. Cole said that “West Virginia needs a full-time leader who will fight against unreasonable regulations and bureaucrats in Charleston and Washington so that we can use our God-given natural resources to help all of our families and businesses.”

“I will work every day to build the jobs, economic benefits and prosperity with energy development that West Virginia needs,” Cole added.

Representative David McKinley agreed, saying, “Our nation needs a national energy policy, one that transcends partisan politics and includes all energy sources. We should incentivize the development of a 21st century energy infrastructure, increase funding for fossil energy research, and commercialize the work of our laboratories.”

“Just imagine what kind of progress we could have made on fossil fuel technology and our energy infrastructure over the last eight years if we had been focused on this all along,” McKinley added. “It is time to reassert our global leadership in energy production.”

White and Williamson, meanwhile, discussed the enormous opportunities ahead for future energy projects – if politics doesn’t get in the way of progress.

“We’re tired of the politics; we want to build projects. We can’t get lost in political dead-ends,” White said. “West Virginia has abundant energy resources, but business and industry are ironically continuing to bear electric rate increases that harm West Virginia’s competitiveness due to the current regulatory paradigm,” Williamson said. “We need to change this so that business and industry can benefit from West Virginia’s energy advantage.”

Families and consumers, too, Stark added.

“Today’s event is designed to educate businesses and homeowners about the significant savings that the natural gas industry is delivering, and to showcase the jobs the industry is creating – good paying jobs,” Stark said.

Wednesday’s forum, Brown said, was a good place to get the discussion started.

“A great deal of pertinent information was shared by all the partners in the West Virginia Energy industry,” Brown said. “I believe it is important for all concerned to be at the table when discussing energy development in our area, to share insights, and gain knowledge from all participants. Organized labor looks forward to partnering with the industry to grow West Virginia’s economy and local economic development.”

Michael Whatley, executive vice president of CEA, said he hopes voters keep these urgent in mind when they head to the polls next month.

“We thank everyone who took the time to participate and hope we can keep these topics at the forefront of the political discussion as we approach November,” Whatley said. “Now, more than ever before, energy issues are critical to our region’s future, and we look forward to advancing our goals of improving energy independence and diversity and increasing access to more affordable, reliable energy to help lower energy costs for our communities and small businesses and to provide more opportunity for manufacturers and businesses.”

Business, Labor Criticize Feds As Pipeline Tensions Escalate

Pipeline construction

A coalition of 22 business and labor groups signed a letter calling on the Obama administration to follow the rule of law and the established regulatory process to complete construction on the Dakota Access Pipeline that runs from North Dakota to Illinois. Sent last Thursday, the letter was addressed to Eric Fanning, secretary of the U.S. Army; Sally Jewel, secretary of the U.S. Department of Interior; and Attorney General Loretta Lynch, U.S. Department of Justice.

Read more – The Bakken Magazine

Candidates Address State Energy, Manufacturing Forum in Wheeling

CEA Midwest recently hosted the West Virginia Energy and Manufacturing Forum in Wheeling, WV.  This forum brought together elected and public officials, key labor and business leaders, academia, manufacturers and energy producers to discuss the importance of responsible energy development in the context of jobs, the economy, revitalization of the domestic manufacturing sector, and increased energy security and U.S. competitiveness for West Virginia.

Republican West Virginia gubernatorial candidate Bill Cole said in Wheeling Wednesday the role of government should be to partner with job creators, and not impede development with excessive regulation. Cole and Rep. David B. McKinley, R-W.Va., each addressed the West Virginia Energy and Manufacturing Forum Wednesday at Oglebay Park’s Wilson Lodge.

Read more – Weirton Daily Times

Group Discusses Energy in Relationship to Election

CEA’s Michael Whatley was featured on WTOV Fox 9 following the West Virginia Energy and Manufacturing Forum.

Energy is a huge issue in the upcoming election on all levels. Wednesday, the Consumer Energy Alliance brought together state leaders, consumers and manufacturers to talk about the nation’s energy future. The group says they are holding these types of events across the country and are bringing candidates both Republican and Democrat together to discuss their vision on energy in America.

Read more – WTOV Fox 9

Wheeling Energy Conference Focuses on Area Challenges, Opportunities

CEA’s Brydon Ross was featured on West Virginia Public Radio following the West Virginia Energy and Manufacturing Forum.

Representatives from energy and manufacturing industries, as well as policy makers came to Wheeling this week to talk about infrastructure challenges in the region. The Consumer Energy Alliance’s West Virginia Energy and Manufacturing Forum was one of several similar events happening across the region. A group of 50 people representing pipeline, labor, construction, and manufacturing interests met to discuss the potential and pitfalls facing energy industries in West Virginia today.

Read more – West Virginia Public Radio


Consumer Energy Alliance Hosts Energy and Manufacturing Forum

CEA Midwest recently hosted the West Virginia Energy and Manufacturing Forum in Wheeling, WV.  This forum brought together elected and public officials, key labor and business leaders, academia, manufacturers and energy producers to discuss the importance of responsible energy development in the context of jobs, the economy, revitalization of the domestic manufacturing sector, and increased energy security and U.S. competitiveness for West Virginia.

The Consumer Energy Alliance hosted an Energy and Manufacturing Forum at the Oglebay Conference Center today. Republican Gubernatorial candidate Bill Cole spoke and answered questions along with United States Congressman David McKinley. The purpose of the forum was to discuss the energy opportunities in West Virginia, particularly surrounding oil and gas.

Read more – The State Journal

Solar Industry Waits for Lift From New Law

Solar panel installation on roof

Georgia Power and green energy advocates said a new state law enacted in 2015 would make it easier for people to begin harvesting sunshine to power their homes or businesses. A year and a half later, you have to look really hard to find a solar project in Georgia launched by the Solar Power Free-Market Financing Act.

Read more – Atlanta Journal Constitution

Pipeline Construction Provides Boost to Businesses in Iowa

Construction worker and backhoe

Pipeline construction in Iowa has continued to create new opportunities for employment and boost spending in communities across the state.

It’s hard to put an exact figure on the economic benefits, but Mark Buschkamp with the Cherokee Area Economic Development Corp. says it’s apparent at area businesses.

“When I drive in in the morning, I see all the construction rigs parked in hotel parking lots,” he said. “Our hotels are full. I see a lot of people in lines at the grocery store that I’ve never seen before.”

Read more – Sioux City Journal