Energy In Texas

NPR’s State Impact Project looks at energy in Texas:

Texas is the nation’s leader in oil, natural gas, and wind production. But what parts of the state are doing the heavy lifting when it comes to energy?

Last week, StateImpact Texas used data from the Railroad Commission of Texas and to answer that question. We created maps that showed how much oil, natural gas, and wind energy each county produced between June 2012 and June 2013.

CEA Southeast Forum Brings Out Candidates

The two men vying to lead Virginia made their case to energy consumers today at the Virginia Energy & Opportunity Forum held in Arlington, VA.  Republican Ken Cuccinelli and Democrat Terry McAuliffe each expressed support for an “all of the above”energy plan.

McAuliffe set out the goal of making Virginia the “capital of the new energy economy” while Cuccinelli pledged to protect Virginia’s right to develop its resources noting “coal is critical to Virginia’s energy security.”

Terry McAuliffe told the crowd he supported developing wind energy off Virginia’s coast.  Earlier this year the U.S. Department of Interior announced an auction.  “Massachusetts will prob. be 1st in the water. But we should be right behind them to be second,” McAuliffe said.

Noting affordable energy supplies are one of the biggest economic boosters available, Ken Cuccinelli told energy consumers, “Energy policy is economic policy.”   Cuccinelli pledged to fight back against efforts to take coal out of any electricity generation equation.  Cuccinelli noted that coal jobs are very important in rural areas of Virginia where high wage jobs are difficult to come by: “a war on coal is a war on the poor.”

CEA Southeast, an affiliate of Consumer Energy Alliance organized the forum along with its partners the Thomas Jefferson Institute, the American Petroleum Institute, the National Ocean Industries Association, Shell Oil Co., the Virginia Manufacturers Association, and Babcock & Wilcox.

The forum also included two expert panels.  NOIA President Randall Luthi led a panel examining the impact  of offshore energy exploration and CEA board member Brett Vassey led a panel on the future of electricity generation.   CEA Southeast is hosting a forum in Nashville in September that will look further into this question.

Tweets from Virginia Energy & Opportunity Forum

Virginia Energy & Opportunity Forum — Speakers

Richmond Virginia

A Discussion with Virginia’s Gubernatorial Candidates
August 29, 2013
George Mason University School of Law Auditorium
Arlington, VA
9am – 11am EST

Welcome & Introductions

Michael Whatley, Consumer Energy Alliance

Panel Discussion: Virginia’s Opportunities for Offshore Oil, Natural Gas and Renewable Energy Development

Moderator: Randall Luthi, National Ocean Industries Association

• American Petroleum Institute (TBD)

• Brian O’Hara, Southeastern Coastal Wind Coalition

• Eddie Pharr, Spectrum Geo

Terry McAuliffe Introduction

David M. Hart, Senior Associate Dean

George Mason University School of Public Policy

Terry McAuliffe Remarks and Moderated Q&A

Panel Discussion: Empowering Virginia: Ensuring Access to Affordable, Reliable Electricity

• Marshall Cohen, Babcock & Wilcox

• Bruce Burcat; Mid-Atlantic Renewable Energy Coalition

• Jack Reasor/David Hudgins; Old Dominion Electric Cooperative

Ken Cuccinelli 

David M. Hart, Senior Associate Dean

George Mason University School of Public Policy

Ken Cuccinelli Remarks and Moderated Q&A


CEA Questions if BLM Regulations Improve Safety

Consumer Energy Alliance’s Andrew Browning wrote to the Bureau of Land Management today noting: “Duplicative and inefficient regulation complicates the permitting process..”

Read the complete text:

August 23, 2013


Acting Director Neil Kornze
Bureau of Land Management
U.S. Department of the Interior
Mail Stop 2134LM
1849 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20240

RE: RIN 1004-AE26; Comments on “Hydraulic Fracturing on Federal and Indian Lands”

Dear Mr. Kornze:

Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) submits the following comments on the U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) proposed rule for “Oil, Gas: Hydraulic Fracturing on Federal and Indian Lands,” RIN 1004-AE26.

Founded in 2006, CEA is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization advocating for a balanced energy policy and responsible access to resources. CEA represents virtually every sector of the U.S. economy – from the iron and steel industry to truckers, airlines, agriculture, restaurants, chemicals, small business and every day consumers – who are all concerned about North American energy policies, energy security and long-term price and supply stability. CEA also has more than 400,000 individual members throughout the United States.

CEA has long advocated for the increased production of all forms of domestic energy for the betterment of the U.S. economy and its hundreds of millions of energy consumers. Hydraulic fracturing and the development of shale oil and natural gas has enabled an energy revolution that has brightened the economic outlook for communities from Corpus Christi, TX to Washington, PA – and every U.S. energy consumer in between. Lower cost natural gas now saves budget-strapped homeowners and small businesses upwards of $1,000 annually. Furthermore, the United States is now “re-shoring” manufacturing facilities, bringing back tire, plastics, fertilizer and other value-added product manufacturing to America. Newly abundant sources of oil and natural gas have made American competitive again – and not just economically. Thanks to increased utilization of natural gas, the United States is also leading the world in reducing its greenhouse gas emissions.

CEA understands well the tremendous economic and environmental benefits that natural gas presents for the United States. Its continued safe development remains a core focus of CEA’s mission. In order to ensure these economic and environmental gains continue, the BLM should only pursue regulations that encourage – not hamper – safe energy production and that acknowledge the historical safety record of hydraulic fracturing.

CEA and our members strongly believe that hydraulic fracturing can be employed in an environmentally sound manner. Recent federal studies and pronouncements have confirmed that the practice of hydraulic fracturing does not contaminate groundwater drinking supplies. A recent “landmark” study performed by the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory monitored hydraulic fracturing fluids injected deep underground in wells in western Pennsylvania for an entire year. Federal scientists tagged the fluid with “unique markers,” in order to locate fluid residue if it migrated into groundwater. The Department of Energy disclosed to the Associated Press in July 2013 that its researchers found that the fluids utilized to free natural gas remained deep below the surface and stayed thousands of feet below the shallower areas that supply drinking water. Further, former U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson has testified before Congress that the EPA has not verified any proven case where hydraulic fracturing contaminated drinking water supplies.

The revised rule includes several improvements over the previous iteration, mostly eliminating duplicate regulations that would have required significant costs for producers. According to an assessment by John Dunham & Associates, the initial proposed rule would have resulted in $1.28 billion in additional expenses to drillers. Despite improvements over the first draft, the cost of compliance for the rule remains significant. Dunham & Associates predicts that the rule will cost $345 million if applied to the 3,566 impacted wells that BLM identified. The report from Dunham & Associates further illustrates how the federal government’s cost compliance estimate of $12 million to $20 million annually is overly conservative and does not properly account for various uncertainties that in application will add costs to operations. These costs will ultimately be passed on to the consumer in the form of higher natural gas prices.

Unfortunately, BLM has not demonstrated how this proposed rule will significantly improve the already strong safety record of hydraulic fracturing, nor has the agency sufficiently clarified the scientific need for the rule. As stated above, federal studies and officials have concluded that hydraulic fracturing can be done safely without harm to groundwater. Moreover, state governments already have strong regulations in place. In particular, in western states such as Colorado and Wyoming, where BLM manages a significant amount of federal land, state regulators have developed and implemented some of the nation’s strictest and most cutting-edge regulations on hydraulic fracturing and oil and natural gas development. State regulators have demonstrated well their ability to oversee hydraulic fracturing and other activities related to shale energy development.

Duplicative and inefficient regulation complicates the permitting process, slows development, wastes government resources and adds to the cost of energy. CEA fears that, without much scientific merit for the proposed rule, consumers will unnecessarily shoulder the costs of this proposed rule.

Our federal lands contain abundant natural resources that can be harnessed to create American jobs, fuel the economy, and generate revenue for our Treasury. Balancing the need for proper stewardship of these lands with the increasing need to develop our nation’s energy resources can be done thoughtfully.

In closing, CEA urges the BLM to issue a final rule that includes provisions that allow efficient, sound permitting for operators on our public lands in order to eliminate or minimize the additional costs that producers and consumers will be forced to carry in order to comply with this rule.

CEA appreciates the opportunity to comment on this important rule making. If you have any questions about these comments, please contact me at


Andrew C. Browning
Executive Vice President

PDF: CEA Comments to BLM on Fracking Rule



[1] IHS, “The Economic and Employment Contributions of Shale Gas in the United States,” December 2011.

[1] Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, “Study: Fracking doesn’t affect water,” July 20, 2013.

[1] U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, “EPA Jackson ‘Not Aware of Any Proven Case Where the Fracking Process Itself Has Affected Water,’” May 24, 2011.

[1] John Dunham & Associates, “Business Impact of Revised Completion Regulations,” July 22, 2013.

[1] Ibid.

CEA Questions How BLM is Improving Hydraulic Fracturing Rules

Consumer Energy Alliance’s Andrew Browning wrote to the Bureau of Land Management today noting: “Duplicative and inefficient regulation complicates the permitting process..”

Read the complete text:

August 23, 2013


Acting Director Neil Kornze
Bureau of Land Management
U.S. Department of the Interior
Mail Stop 2134LM
1849 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20240

RE: RIN 1004-AE26; Comments on “Hydraulic Fracturing on Federal and Indian Lands”

Dear Mr. Kornze:

Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) submits the following comments on the U.S. Bureau of Land Management’s (BLM) proposed rule for “Oil, Gas: Hydraulic Fracturing on Federal and Indian Lands,” RIN 1004-AE26.

Founded in 2006, CEA is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization advocating for a balanced energy policy and responsible access to resources. CEA represents virtually every sector of the U.S. economy – from the iron and steel industry to truckers, airlines, agriculture, restaurants, chemicals, small business and every day consumers – who are all concerned about North American energy policies, energy security and long-term price and supply stability. CEA also has more than 400,000 individual members throughout the United States.

CEA has long advocated for the increased production of all forms of domestic energy for the betterment of the U.S. economy and its hundreds of millions of energy consumers. Hydraulic fracturing and the development of shale oil and natural gas has enabled an energy revolution that has brightened the economic outlook for communities from Corpus Christi, TX to Washington, PA – and every U.S. energy consumer in between. Lower cost natural gas now saves budget-strapped homeowners and small businesses upwards of $1,000 annually. Furthermore, the United States is now “re-shoring” manufacturing facilities, bringing back tire, plastics, fertilizer and other value-added product manufacturing to America. Newly abundant sources of oil and natural gas have made American competitive again – and not just economically. Thanks to increased utilization of natural gas, the United States is also leading the world in reducing its greenhouse gas emissions.

CEA understands well the tremendous economic and environmental benefits that natural gas presents for the United States. Its continued safe development remains a core focus of CEA’s mission. In order to ensure these economic and environmental gains continue, the BLM should only pursue regulations that encourage – not hamper – safe energy production and that acknowledge the historical safety record of hydraulic fracturing.

CEA and our members strongly believe that hydraulic fracturing can be employed in an environmentally sound manner. Recent federal studies and pronouncements have confirmed that the practice of hydraulic fracturing does not contaminate groundwater drinking supplies. A recent “landmark” study performed by the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory monitored hydraulic fracturing fluids injected deep underground in wells in western Pennsylvania for an entire year. Federal scientists tagged the fluid with “unique markers,” in order to locate fluid residue if it migrated into groundwater. The Department of Energy disclosed to the Associated Press in July 2013 that its researchers found that the fluids utilized to free natural gas remained deep below the surface and stayed thousands of feet below the shallower areas that supply drinking water. Further, former U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Lisa Jackson has testified before Congress that the EPA has not verified any proven case where hydraulic fracturing contaminated drinking water supplies.

The revised rule includes several improvements over the previous iteration, mostly eliminating duplicate regulations that would have required significant costs for producers. According to an assessment by John Dunham & Associates, the initial proposed rule would have resulted in $1.28 billion in additional expenses to drillers. Despite improvements over the first draft, the cost of compliance for the rule remains significant. Dunham & Associates predicts that the rule will cost $345 million if applied to the 3,566 impacted wells that BLM identified. The report from Dunham & Associates further illustrates how the federal government’s cost compliance estimate of $12 million to $20 million annually is overly conservative and does not properly account for various uncertainties that in application will add costs to operations. These costs will ultimately be passed on to the consumer in the form of higher natural gas prices.

Unfortunately, BLM has not demonstrated how this proposed rule will significantly improve the already strong safety record of hydraulic fracturing, nor has the agency sufficiently clarified the scientific need for the rule. As stated above, federal studies and officials have concluded that hydraulic fracturing can be done safely without harm to groundwater. Moreover, state governments already have strong regulations in place. In particular, in western states such as Colorado and Wyoming, where BLM manages a significant amount of federal land, state regulators have developed and implemented some of the nation’s strictest and most cutting-edge regulations on hydraulic fracturing and oil and natural gas development. State regulators have demonstrated well their ability to oversee hydraulic fracturing and other activities related to shale energy development.

Duplicative and inefficient regulation complicates the permitting process, slows development, wastes government resources and adds to the cost of energy. CEA fears that, without much scientific merit for the proposed rule, consumers will unnecessarily shoulder the costs of this proposed rule.

Our federal lands contain abundant natural resources that can be harnessed to create American jobs, fuel the economy, and generate revenue for our Treasury. Balancing the need for proper stewardship of these lands with the increasing need to develop our nation’s energy resources can be done thoughtfully.

In closing, CEA urges the BLM to issue a final rule that includes provisions that allow efficient, sound permitting for operators on our public lands in order to eliminate or minimize the additional costs that producers and consumers will be forced to carry in order to comply with this rule.

CEA appreciates the opportunity to comment on this important rule making. If you have any questions about these comments, please contact me at


Andrew C. Browning
Executive Vice President

PDF: CEA Comments to BLM on Fracking Rule



[1] IHS, “The Economic and Employment Contributions of Shale Gas in the United States,” December 2011.

[1] Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, “Study: Fracking doesn’t affect water,” July 20, 2013.

[1] U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, “EPA Jackson ‘Not Aware of Any Proven Case Where the Fracking Process Itself Has Affected Water,’” May 24, 2011.

[1] John Dunham & Associates, “Business Impact of Revised Completion Regulations,” July 22, 2013.

[1] Ibid.

Grand Island, NE Public Meeting Discusses KXL


Consumer Energy Alliance discusses status of KXL Pipeline project

By Jeniffer Berry

August 21, 2013

The Executive Vice President for the Consumer Energy Alliance spent part of Wednesday in Grand Island talking about the Keystone XL Pipeline.

Michael Whatley was at the Platte Valley State Bank updating members of the chamber, among others, on the status of the project.

He said the State Department is getting ready to finalize its environmental review for the project and to ultimately make a decision on whether or not it will get permitted.

Whately touted the benefits of the project–cheaper fuel prices and a strong ($20 billion) economic impact.

“Studies show here in Nebraska it would create 5,500 jobs for the two years of the construction project and it would have a net benefit in the state of $1.8 billion,” he said.

Whatley said meetings like this, especially in a corridor state that’s been in the eye of the storm of debate, are important.

He said as long as people want to have discussions, he’ll keep having them.

Mike Rosen Puts Michael Whatley Behind the Mic

Consumer Energy Alliance’s resident KXL expert, Michael Whatley, was a guest of Mike Rosen on KOA Radio in Denver on Wednesday.  Click to listen to Michael and Mike chat about Keystone XL and Bold Nebraska building a barn to block construction.  Rosen08-21-13-11AM_1377109061_21014

CEA-Mid Atlantic Urging Pennsylvania Democrats to Reverse Moratorium Stance

CEA-Mid Atlantic Executive Director Mike Butler makes the case why Pennsylvania Democrats should ask their party leaders to turn back a proposed moratorium adopted this past June as part of its party plank.

Patriot News Opinion Page: 

Much to our dismay, the Pennsylvania Democratic State Committee recently voted 115-81 for a moratorium on hydraulic fracturing to retrieve shale gas.
By Mike Butler

Last year when former President Bill Clinton was traveling through Pennsylvania while on the campaign trail, he spoke to a large crowd in Western Pennsylvania about the economy and some of the bright spots in Pennsylvania’s future. He stated, “In a growing economy, you need to start by counting your blessings.” And, with specific reference to positive shale gas production in the Marcellus and the new cracker facility planned for Beaver County – he once again repeated to the crowd, “We must count our blessings.”

In a time when the unemployment rate around the nation seems to be stagnant and companies are not hiring as many workers, many Pennsylvanians are counting their blessings for the shale gas industry providing thousands of indirect and direct jobs in the construction industry and beyond down the supply chain.

At Consumer Energy Alliance’s Pennsylvania Energy & Manufacturing Summit, James Kunz from the International Operating Engineers, Local 66, stated that they very close to full employment – with much of it attributable to the Marcellus Shale. He also mentioned how these employment opportunities came to his members at the right time. If it weren’t for this “blessing,” they “would have faced double-digit unemployment because of only being able to depend on the building construction and the heavy road and bridge construction in Pennsylvania and parts of Ohio.”

With Pennsylvania being blessed with large amounts of gas – and wet gas that can be processed into ethylene – we are also now blessed with new manufacturing facilities. And this valuable energy resource continues to lure new companies that are dependent on low energy costs to the U.S. – and to Pennsylvania — bringing more job opportunities and economic growth to our region and nation.

Positive economic news has been seen across the state. In 2011, Washington County had the third highest employment surge of any county in the nation. In Philadelphia, the Aker shipyard is rehiring 800 workers to help build two new tankers in response to domestic oil and gas production. Right now almost a quarter-million people in Pennsylvania work to produce natural gas from the Marcellus Shale or in related industries. Even better, job growth projections in Pennsylvania over the next ten years exceed the projected national average.


U.S. Senator Bob Casey opposed to Marcellus Moratorium