Louisianans Saved $68.8 Billion Over 10 Years Thanks to Natural Gas

New Orleans Louisiana Building

New Report Demonstrates Affordable, Reliable Energy Key to Louisianans Reeling from the Economic Downturn

Baton Rouge, LA — Thanks to increased production of abundant, affordable natural gas, Louisiana families and businesses saved more than $68.8 billion between 2008 and 2018 because of lower prices, according to a new report released by Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) that demonstrates the urgent need for greater Gulf Coast energy access during our economic recovery.

Households saved over $2 billion – or $445 per resident – and Louisiana industries, including aerospace operations and petrochemical and steel manufacturing facilities, saved more than $65 billion, according to CEA’s Energy Savings Report. These savings bring relief to Louisiana’s families, keep the state’s industries competitive and jobs abundant during a time of economic uncertainty caused by COVID-19.

“This report demonstrates how Louisiana’s families, farmers, manufacturers and small businesses benefit from an energy strategy that includes expanded exploration and production access in the Gulf,” CEA Gulf Coast Director Kaitlin Schmidtke said. “Now more than ever as Louisiana recovers from COVID-19, energy has the ability to keep contributing to a lower cost of living and generate savings for Louisiana’s families, farmers and small businesses.”

“CEA commends Gov. Edwards for continuing to advance coastal conservation and restoration as part of Louisiana’s Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act of 2006 (GOMESA) funding and supporting offshore energy in the Gulf of Mexico to benefit the Louisiana, our citizens and the nation. Offshore and onshore energy development, executed with a continuing commitment to environmental stewardship and stringent safety measures that protect our coasts, is an essential part of America’s economy.”

Last year, the offshore oil and gas industry supported roughly 94,000 jobs in Louisiana, and the overall energy industry created more than 291,200 jobs and more than $50.7 billion in economic impact, according to a 2017 study by PricewaterhouseCoopers study. Overall, the oil and gas industry contributes 10.3 million direct and indirect jobs across the United States, the study found.

In an uncertain time when our neighbors and communities are facing economic hardship and more than 273,000 Louisianans are unemployed, let’s remember the critical role Gulf energy will play in creating jobs,” Schmidtke said. “Gulf exploration and production will be a key driver of the recovery, as it has been in every previous modern economic revival. Gulf states must come together to ensure the full Gulf of Mexico is included in future leasing opportunities.”

“This report also serves as a reminder of why it is imperative that the United States maintains its energy independence and dominance to protect our country from outside influences, such as OPEC+, that have attempted to intervene in energy markets and threaten America’s economy and energy independence. As we have learned from the COVID-19 crisis, a secure American-based supply chain is essential, and energy is the backbone of any supply chain. Louisianans and all Americans will benefit when we strengthen our energy industry and our supply chains.”

To view the report, click here.

Report: Louisianans Saved $68.8 Billion Over Decade Thanks to Natural Gas

New Orleans Colorful French Quarter

CEA’s most recent Louisiana Energy Savings report was covered by Biz New Orleans which examined how families and businesses have benefited from reduced energy costs.

According to the CEA’s Energy Savings Report, households saved over $2 billion – or $445 per resident – and Louisiana industries, including aerospace operations and petrochemical and steel manufacturing facilities, saved more than $65 billion during that time period. The group asserts that continued savings will bring relief to Louisiana’s families, keep the state’s industries competitive and jobs abundant during a time of economic uncertainty caused by COVID-19.

Read more – Biz New Orleans

Leading Consumer Energy Advocate Applauds Supreme Court Action on Solicitor’s Views to Review Pipeline Petition

U.S. Supreme Court

Washington, D.C.Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) praised the U.S. Supreme Court for requesting the views of the U.S. Solicitor General regarding the issues raised in PennEast Pipeline Company’s petition for judicial review.

CEA previously submitted a “friend of the court” amicus brief to urge the Supreme Court to grant the petition and expressed concern that a decision made by the Third Circuit U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals would create a new precedent to block energy infrastructure projects and threaten the future of America’s energy reliability and supply. The nation’s leading consumer energy advocate also shared concerns that this action could increase costs of energy for consumers across the Northeast and create significant economic hardship – causing disproportionate harm to those on low and fixed incomes, as well as individuals, families and businesses with thin margins.

Following today’s request by the Court, CEA President David Holt said:

“On behalf of working families, seniors and small businesses across the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast, we are very encouraged by the Supreme Court’s action. This is a positive step toward getting a full hearing on the importance of this project for consumers across New Jersey and Pennsylvania, as well as stopping new and arbitrary delays by state agencies that oppose pipelines on ideological or political grounds.”

“We appreciate the Court’s action and believe it is critical that the issues we and others raised in our briefs are heard to ensure we have the vital energy supplies we need to revive our economy and help reduce costs for our hard-hit communities faced with mounting bills, rising unemployment and hardship.”

“It’s time to put aside the political posturing and procedural roadblocks during this time of increased economic turmoil. We need to say yes to energy infrastructure for getting energy to consumers to power and heat their homes, save money and help to get our skilled tradespeople back to work.”

Florida Makes Progress on Clean Energy

Adults on a beach bench

As the second-largest generator of electricity in the country, CEA’s Kevin Doyle reviews the progress Florida has made on providing clean energy while maintaining some of the lowest electricity rates in the nation.

Contrast that environmental victory with the opposite path found in China, the world’s biggest greenhouse gas emitter. It hasn’t even promised an overall reduction in emissions in the Paris agreement — only to stop increasing them by 2030. While we’re cutting our emissions, China’s by that date will have surged an estimated 14 percent to 25 percent.

Read more – Florida Times Union

CEA’s Top 5 Favorite Energy Stories This Week – June 26

While many Americans are gearing up for the July 4th holiday buying fireworks and supplies for their barbecues, they are also reading about how a massive cloud of dust from the Sahara desert is headed towards the southeastern U.S. Fortunately, it is supposed to enhance sunsets and pause the tropical storm season, according to meteorologists. As Americans are cheering for major league baseball to return in a few weeks, the NBA and the PGA Tour are learning lessons about how to social distance. And while it was announced that a robot will be the lead actress in a new sci-fi movie, the Tik Tok app set a record for most downloads in a single quarter. Though these stories and more kept us on the edge of our seats, we wanted to bring you our favorite energy headlines this week. In case you missed last week’s, check them out here.

5The first offshore wind turbine goes up on federal lease

A massive utility-scale wind project is underway and will be taking place in three phases off the coast of off Virginia and will produce up to 2.6 gigawatts of power. National Fisherman reports that offshore wind developer Ørsted has installed the first two wind turbines on a federal lease.

4This $90,000 egg-shaped tiny home is powered by wind and solar energy while collecting and filtering its own water supply — see inside

This tiny egg-shaped home will accommodate up to two people and have a kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, and dining room. According to Business Insider, The Ecocapsule was built with the goal of being kind to the environment, which is in part done by powering the tiny home with battery, wind, and solar power. Read more and take the tour here!

3GE will make taller wind turbines using 3D-printing

These taller wind turbines will be able to get stronger winds at higher altitudes, allowing the blades to generate more energy. The Verge has reported that General Electric has announced it is developing a skyscraper-sized wind turbine with massive 3D-printed bases.

2A flexible approach to offshore solar

A new water project aims to develop a novel concept for floating solar at sea in the Netherlands. PV Magazine reports that scientists are trialing a floating solar installation based on flexible, thin-film PV modules.

1Hydrogen Offers a Climate Lifeline

Oil-and-gas majors have spent tens of millions of dollars on pilot projects that will use Hydrogen as an alternative fuel source. According to Bloomberg Green, Blue hydrogen could be a particularly useful tool for oil and gas companies looking to re-purpose their existing investments—namely pipes. 

Stalling and Delays on Line 5 Jeopardizing Affordability and Economic Recovery for Michigan

Construction worker and backhoe

Leading Consumer Energy Advocate Responds to Temporary Ruling on Line 5 Operations

Lansing, MIConsumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading voice for sensible energy policies for families and businesses, expressed concern with a recent action by the Michigan Circuit Court to issue a Temporary Restraining Order requiring Line 5 to be shut down through the Straits of Mackinac until a hearing on the State’s request for preliminary injunction can be held.

“It is shameful that the Whitmer Administration and Attorney General Nessel have decided to once again game the judicial system in an attempt to shut down Line 5, holding Michigan’s families hostage to higher energy prices,” said CEA Midwest Executive Director Chris Ventura. “Asking the nearly one in four Michiganders who remain unemployed to pay upwards of $200 million more per year in energy costs as a result of permanently shutting down Line 5 is a burden no one should be asked to carry.”

“The Attorney General has asked for a long-term solution to protect the Great Lakes. We already have one called the Line 5 Tunnel Project which has been lawfully affirmed by the Michigan Court of Appeals and received widespread bipartisan support earlier this week in the Michigan House of Representatives.”

“The longer we delay this project, the more we jeopardize affordability and the economic shot to the arm that Michigan families and small businesses need. Ultimately, these delays and politicking are creating problems that would have never arisen had the project proceeded. Anti-energy folks should realize this and stop the shenanigans so Michiganders can get back to work and continue to protect our shared environment.”

Under federal law, the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) maintains oversight for the safe, reliable, and environmentally sound operation of interstate pipelines – not the State of Michigan. PHMSA has approved the continued, safe operation of the western segment of Line 5 and have asked for additional evaluation before the eastern segment is reactivated.

Mississippi Governor Signs Bipartisan Critical Infrastructure Protection Bill Into Law

Mississippi Paddle Boat

Leading Consumer Energy Advocate Applauds Gov. Reeves for Signing HB 1243

JACKSON, MSConsumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading voice for sensible energy policies for families and businesses, applauds Governor Reeves for signing HB 1243, a bipartisan critical infrastructure bill that increases penalties for trespassing or deliberately damaging a variety of energy facilities like pipelines and refineries.

CEA Gulf Coast Director Kaitlin Schmidtke said:

“Thank you to Gov. Reeves and the Mississippi Legislature for their strong support of this commonsense, bipartisan legislation that will protect our key energy infrastructure and ensure families and small businesses continue to have access to essential energy services.”

“HB 1243 will help ensure that legitimate free speech rights are protected while preventing fringe anti-energy activists from committing crimes, impeding, vandalizing or trespassing on our critical energy infrastructure, like pipelines, which our communities rely on every day to function and keep moving physically and financially – especially during these hard economic times.”

“The public has a right to be protected from senseless illegal activity by extremists, especially since Mississippi is home to facilities vital to our nation’s energy infrastructure. We agree with Governor Reeves and the State Legislature that we cannot risk damage that could interrupt these critical energy services across the United States.

“CEA commends Governor Reeves and the legislature for coming together to protect our critical infrastructure for the greater good of our state, citizens and nation.”

Leading Consumer Energy Advocate Applauds the MPUC Decision Approving the Line 3 Replacement Project – Again

Minneapolis Minnesota at night

St. Paul, MN – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading voice for sensible energy policies for families and businesses, expressed support for the Minnesota Public Utility Commission’s (MPUC) decision to reaffirm orders approving a Certificate of Need, Route Permit and Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Line 3 Replacement Project. The MPUC has approved the Line 3 Replacement on four separate occasions.

CEA Midwest Executive Director Chris Ventura issued the following statement:

“We applaud the Minnesota Public Utilities Commissioners for again recognizing the importance of the Line 3 Replacement Project. With a nearly 10% unemployment rate, restarting our economy begins with modernizing our critical energy infrastructure and putting thousands of Minnesotans back to work while protecting our shared environment.

“Continuing with arbitrary delays and appeals on this project will only hurt families, farmers and businesses who are already struggling to make ends meet and who need to have access to affordable energy and transportation fuels.

“The longer we delay the modernization of this project, the more we jeopardize affordability and the economic shot to the arm that Minnesota and its northern counties need. Ultimately, these delays and politicking are creating problems that would have never arisen had the project been approved and started. Anti-energy folks should realize this and stop the shenanigans so Minnesotans can get back to work and continue to keep our environment protected.”

The Greatest Success Story New Jerseyans Were Never Told

Father helping son on computer

CEA’s Mike Butler talks about the tangible environmental progress that is being made across the Garden State as key pollutants decline leading to cleaner air and healthier families.

Take, for example, the now-delayed PennEast Pipeline, designed to transport clean, low-cost natural gas to New Jersey residents and businesses. Had it been in service, customers in New Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania would have saved more than $1.32 billion over the 2013-14 and 2017-18 winters.


Anti-energy activists opposing the pipeline, the New Jersey phase of which is postponed until 2023, routinely fail to check their basic facts and, in doing so, ignore the U.S.A.’s greatest untold success story. And it’s a shame, because it’s a tale with the kind of environmental progress they’re demanding — happening right now.

Read more – Burlington County Times

Mississippians Saved $9.7 Billion Over 10 Years Thanks to Natural Gas

Friends Outside with Drinks

New Report Demonstrates Affordable, Reliable Energy Key to Mississippians Reeling from the Economic Downturn

JACKSON, MS —  Thanks to increased production of abundant, affordable natural gas, Mississippi families and businesses saved more than $9.7 billion between 2008 and 2018 because of lower prices, according to a new report released by Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) that demonstrates the urgent need for greater Gulf Coast energy access during our economic recovery.

Households saved over $1.2 billion – or $430 per resident – and Mississippi industries, including aerospace and advanced manufacturing facilities, saved more than $7.3 billion, according to CEA’s Energy Savings Report. On top of bringing economic relief to Mississippi’s families, these savings are helping to keep the state’s industries competitive during a time of economic uncertainty caused by COVID-19.

“This report demonstrates how Mississippi’s families, farmers, manufacturers and small businesses benefit from an energy strategy that includes expanded exploration and production access in the Gulf,” CEA Gulf Coast Director Kaitlin Schmidtke said. “Now more than ever as Mississippi recovers from COVID-19, energy has the ability to keep contributing to a lower cost of living and generate savings for Mississippi’s families, farmers and small businesses.”
“Thank you to Gov. Tate Reeves for working together in a bipartisan way to advance offshore energy in the Gulf of Mexico to benefit not only the state of Mississippi and our citizens, but the nation as a whole. CEA commends his leadership on energy policies and helping to ensure that offshore energy development, carried out with a continuing commitment to environmental stewardship and stringent safety measures that protect our coasts, can continue to be an essential part of America’s economy.”

Last year, the offshore oil and gas industry supported roughly 20,000 jobs in Mississippi, and the overall energy industry created more than 81,000 jobs and more than $7.8 billion in economic impact, according to a recent analysis.
“In an uncertain time when our neighbors and communities are facing economic hardship and more than 186,000 Mississippians are unemployed, let’s remember the critical role Gulf energy plays in our lives,” Schmidtke said. “Gulf exploration and production will be a key driver of the recovery, as it has been in every previous modern economic revival. We need to work together with all the Gulf States to ensure the full Gulf of Mexico is included in future leasing opportunities.”

“This report also serves as a reminder of why we must remain focused on our long-term energy security and dominance to protect our country from outside influences, such as OPEC+, that have attempted to intervene in energy markets and threaten America’s economy and energy independence. As we have learned from the COVID-19 crisis, energy is essential for our national supply chains and manufacturing infrastructure. Mississippians and all Americans stand to benefit when we strengthen our energy industry and our supply chains.”

To view the report, click here.