Consumer Groups Urges Alabama Regulators to Approve More Power to Meet Consumer Demand

Mother reading a book to her daughter

Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading consumer energy advocate, released the following statement in support of increasing capacity to meet growing demand and ensuring greater reliability for consumers across the state.

CEA Gulf Coast Director Kaitlin Schmidtke said:

“As consumer demand continues to increase, utilities and elected officials must continue to work together to anticipate our growing energy needs, and ensure we are creating facilities that generate power with enough capacity to ensure reliability for our consumers,” she said. “The plan recently announced by Alabama Power includes five large-scale solar projects paired with complementary gas plants to ensure that power is balanced, reliable and steady from day to night and summer to winter.

“Approving this additional energy capacity is a no-brainer for Alabama officials, especially as we move into an era where making the necessary updates and maintaining electric capacity is crucial to operating a stable grid. Alabama’s families and businesses are ultimately at stake, and the state’s ability to grow and attract new people, businesses and industry depend on reliable power.

“That is why CEA is urging the PSC to continue to increase capacity to meet the demand and ensure reliability, so Alabama can grow towards the future and meet the needs of its consumers.”


About Consumer Energy Alliance

Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is the leading consumer advocate for energy, bringing together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers, and manufacturers to support America’s environmentally sustainable energy future. With more than 550,000 members nationwide, our mission is to help ensure stable prices and energy security for households and businesses across the country. CEA works daily to encourage people across the nation to seek sensible, realistic, and environmentally responsible solutions to meet our energy needs. Learn more at

Emily Haggstrom
P: 720-582-0242

Top 5 Energy Stories This Week


In celebrity headlines this week we sadly lost former Lakers star Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gianna; but happily, Netflix gave us Taylor Swift’s Miss Americana. And in national news, the Coronavirus has suspended flights from America and the nation is watching intently to find out more about witnesses in the impeachment trial. These headlines and more had us excited, but we don’t want you to miss out on our favorites in the energy industry! ICYMI here are last week’s stories.

5The graphite from a pencil may conjure traumatic memories of having lead smeared all over the side of your hand and homework, but scientists have found a way to turn garbage into graphene (graphite).

Graphene is used in electronics, solar panels and asphalt. Researchers at Rice University recently discovered that garbage can be turned into graphene; and is much cheaper than upcycling food waste, coal and even plastic. Popular Mechanics provides the details here.

4Not only is the Coronavirus limiting travel and impacting the transportation sector, it’s upsetting the oil & gas market as well.

As news sources continue to compare the impact of the Coronavirus to SARS across markets, the O&G industry is one that is seeing quite a difference between the two. A contributing factor, that while CV is less deadly than SARS, it is spreading faster. Forbes paints the whole picture here.

3We have seen a decrease in the bee population, and an increase in implementing solar energy technology, are they related?

Inevitably, new infrastructure will disrupt nature. States are starting to propose new legislation to make sure that our bee friends (and necessary attribution to the circle of life) are protected throughout the process. Renewable Energy World covers the rest of the story here.

2Fracking ban is a rampant term as a part of the 2020 presidential race, but not all states agree on if that’s a good idea for the energy industry.

Pennsylvania’s economy relies heavily on the natural gas industry. So much so, that a ban could severely damage the state’s local economies. When it comes to energy production, not all states are created equal. Wind energy is nonexistent in Arizona, and large solar farms are impossible in New York City. The New York Times fills in the rest here.

1Noting the difference in shipping between Amazon and UPS has made for some great entertainment in the past few years, but UPS is stepping up in the EV department.

Amazon ordered a fleet of electric vehicles last year, and in the spirit of competition, UPS is ordering theirs now. We can expect to see 10,000 vans hit the roads in North America, U.K. and Europe between 2020 and 2024. CNBC reports more on this article here.

Energy Master Plan Will Burden New Jersey Taxpayers

resting after a workout in the park

The New Jersey Energy Master Plan has created quite a controversy. The plan has been called out for eliminating consumer choices, a lack of transparency and increasing taxes on consumers.

“A recent report by Consumer Energy Alliance found natural gas saved New Jersey residents over $21.2 billion since 2006, and PSE&G says the average family is paying $880 less per year than they did in 2008 as a result. This has all occurred while carbon emissions are at their lowest level since 1988 based on federal environmental data, proving with clear evidence that economic growth and addressing climate change can be achieved without Murphy’s radically expensive plans.”

Read more – North Jersey

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Asks for Input on Migratory Bird Treaty Act

Birds flying over the Gulf of Mexico

The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service is asking for public input on a proposed rule that defines the scope of the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA). Consumer Energy Alliance President, David Holt shared his perspective.

“We commend the efforts of the Department of the Interior to provide clarity with respect to safeguarding migratory birds. This proposed rule provides needed regulatory certainty for critical energy infrastructure projects that will bring newer, cleaner power to consumers. This proposed rule leaves intact the critical safeguards needed to minimize harm to wildlife while providing clear guidance for renewable and traditional energy companies. The efforts by the Department are essential to ensuring that families, farmers, and small businesses receive affordable, reliable, and increasingly cleaner energy.”

Read more – U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Blake Williamson – Louisiana’s Medical Industry Depends on Reliable Energy

Paul Mladenka – Louisiana’s Good Food Capitol Would be Nonexistent Without Energy

Rich DiClaudio – Energy and Innovation in Pennsylvania

Jacob Filer – Energy Keeps Pennsylvania Communities Employed

Jamie Harden – Energy Costs Top the List for Small Businesses

Skip Thompson – Small Businesses are Dependent Upon Affordable Energy