Newark, NJ – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) Mid-Atlantic Executive Director Mike Butler voiced his disappointment following today’s permit denial by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP), which improperly.
Saturday is just a few days away, and whether you’re headed to the big game or not, don’t forget to get out and vote! On the ballot, this year is.
The clean energy goals set by the state of New Jersey irresponsibly do not analyze the rate impact for residential, commercial and industrial electricity customers. CEA’s Mike Butler explains, “That’s.
Oklahoma City, OK — Oklahoma families and businesses saved more than $8 billion thanks to low-priced natural gas, created by a combination of increased energy production and strong, safe infrastructure.
Every year Apple, Samsung, Google and Huawei, along with other smartphone companies are continually developing and selling their latest technology. Much of what is being developed is under cloak and.
Six Long Island Democratic state senators are now calling for “emergency” approval of the Williams pipeline after learning how blocking this vital infrastructure is negatively impacting their constituents. “‘A gas.
CHARLESTON, WV — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) today released its West Virginia Emissions Brief which showcases the significant emissions reductions and environmental improvements made across the state. This brief further.
Minneapolis, MN – The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) today procedurally denied the Water Quality Certification for the Line 3 Replacement Project in a without-prejudice ruling that allows a future.
Opponents to energy production and infrastructure will seemingly stop at nothing to ensure pipeline projects like the Atlantic Coast Pipeline are unable to continue construction – stonewalling the economic and.
Whether you’re a woman or a man, you’ve likely been in a predicament where an event has come up, the weather’s changing, or there isn’t anything in your closet that’s.