19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance


Pipelines for America

Farmer in tractor preparing land with seedbed cultivator

NORFOLK, NEBRASKA — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) Executive Vice President Michael Whatley released the following statement after testifying at a public hearing before the Nebraska Public Service Commission (NPSC) today.

Firefighters in Station

Pipelines are the safest, most reliable way to transport oil and natural gas across the country. In order to ensure the resiliency of our energy infrastructure, organizations like the Rural.

Electric transmission lines

The Mid-Atlantic and New England is becoming increasingly reliant on affordable, reliable natural gas. However, state policymakers have introduced political constraints on markets, forcing families and businesses to pay some.

A girl with her Labrador getting ready for vacation

Just a few short years ago, American drivers were stuck with gas prices averaging $4.00 per gallon or more across the country. Increasing domestic oil production has helped our families.

Castle Hill light house in Rhode Island New England

CEA’s latest poll of New England voters and access to affordable energy was covered by Daily Energy Insider. “Voters made it loud and clear that if you are a candidate.

Monthly natural gas heating bill

CEA’s David Holt discusses the results of the most recent CEA poll in New England. “Northeastern governors, legislators and regulators should pay close attention to these results,” CEA President David.

Boston Massachusetts Skyline

WASHINGTON, D.C. – An overwhelming majority of voters in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and New York support energy delivery of transportation fuels and the use of natural gas infrastructure –.

CNC machine shop with lathes, technicians and workers

Joe Eddy with Eagle Manufacturing talks about the importance of natural gas to manufacturers and the new opportunities expanded access will bring for businesses across the region. Regional access to.

Monthly natural gas heating bill

A lack of pipeline infrastructure is causing artificially high energy bills for consumers across the Mid-Atlantic and New England. For households fortunate enough to be connected to natural gas supplies,.

Man putting gas in car

Many times, allowing consumers access to more affordable energy doesn’t require building new pipelines, but upgrading existing energy infrastructure to bring more energy to where it is needed most. State.