CEA Mid-Atlantic

As a resurgent manufacturing hub and new energy producing region, the Mid-Atlantic is a key chapter for CEA. We work to get consumers, manufacturing interests, labor, and small businesses engaged in the ever-growing discussion on energy in states like Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia and Virginia.

Birds flying over the Gulf of Mexico

CEA Issues Statement on Denial of Pending Seismic Applications

North American Clean Energy covered CEA's statement on denial of permits to conduct needed scientific discovery off the Atlantic. BOEM cited potential environmental risks to marine...
Offshore oil rig with workers

Obama Puts US Arctic, Atlantic OCS Off-limits to Oil, Gas Activity

CEA President David Holt discussed the recent administrative actions prohibiting energy exploration with the PanAtlantic Journal. U.S. President Barack Obama closed 3.8 million acres off...
Pipeline worker in pipe

Why It’s Essential That PA Build Mariner East 2

Mike Butler, Executive Director of CEA-MidAtlantic recently penned an op-ed on the importance of Mariner East 2 for energy consumers. Investing in our energy infrastructure,...
Pipeline and shutoff valves

Chamber of Commerce Hosts Pipeline Expert

CEA Mid-Atlantic Executive Director Mike Butler was covered by WJPA as he spoke about the importance of pipelines for the Washington County Chamber of...
Electricity transmission substation transformers

New CEA Report Warns: No Shale Gas Pipelines, No Electricity

CEA's most recent pipeline infrastructure report was featured in Marcellus Drilling News. Earlier this week the Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) released a disturbing report on...

Grassroots Petition Sent to PA Legislature

February 12, 2014 Pennsylvania State Legislature State Capitol Harrisburg, PA 17120 Dear Legislators, Last month Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) sent a letter to State Senator Jim Ferlo asking him...

Pennsylvania Asks President Obama to Permit the Keystone XL Pipeline

HARRISBURG – The Pennsylvania Motor Truck Association and its partner Consumer Energy Alliance submitted today to federal officials 23,591 public comments from Pennsylvania residents...

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member: Pennsylvania Coal Alliance

HOUSTON – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome the Pennsylvania Coal Alliance as its newest affiliate member. The Pennsylvania Coal Alliance (Alliance), founded...

Energy project at Pittsburgh airport will boost local economy

Consumer Energy Alliance Mid-Atlantic Director Mike Butler penned a blog for ShaleReporter about how an energy project at Pittsburgh’s airport will boost the local economy. Pittsburgh International...

How shale impact fees continue to help Pennsylvanians

Consumer Energy Alliance Mid-Atlantic Director Mike Butler penned an op-ed for ShaleReporter.com regarding the benefits of shale impact fees from shale production companies to...