CEA- Alaska is asking for support of the state’s Arctic energy exploration in a letter to the Commissioners of the Port of Seattle. The port has been embroiled in controversy.
85 Percent Say Energy Policy Will Play a Key Role in 2016 Election Key Takeaways: Voters in South Carolina favor Arctic energy production by 38 points. Energy will be very.
Continuing the trend of energy policy as a key issue in nationwide elections, voters in Iowa and New Hampshire showed overwhelming support for U.S. energy leadership in Arctic offshore energy.
The Florida House of Representatives today passed House Bill 1205, sensible hydraulic fracturing legislation, sponsored by Rep. Ray Rodrigues (R – Lee County) and Rep. Cary Pigman (R-Avon Park). Upon.
All across the United States, CEA defines its number one priority as facilitating energy policy that results in reliable and affordable energy for consumers. While CEA’s stance is the same.
Consumer Energy Alliance today submitted more than 20,000 comments to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission urging for the swift approval of the Atlantic Coast Pipeline. This important project will help.
Consumer Energy Alliance- Texas recently delivered more than 8,800 emails to members of the Texas House Energy Resources Committee and the Texas Senate Natural Resources and Economic Development Committee in.
For a third time this year a judge has overturned a local municipality’s ban on oil and gas production. A Cuyahoga County, Ohio judge yesterday overturned a ban on oil.
HOUSTON – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome the Missourians for a Balanced Energy Future as its newest affiliate member. Missourians for a Balanced Energy Future (MBEF) is.
In front a crowd of supporters holding up signs that read “OCS YES!”, energy consumers, producers, and business leaders from across Alaska came together to express their support for more.