Wind and solar make most of the headline renewable news, but they aren’t the only ones. If you’ve ever wondered about the alternative and renewable energy sources available in the.
As the latest energy and climate debate continue, Consumer Energy Alliance remains an advocate for shining light on the challenges ahead for implementing various proposed state and federal renewable energy.
We love our moms and work to celebrate them every day. Yet, whenever May rolls around, we find ourselves scrambling to find the perfect gift. So if you’re the person.
Everyone’s talking this week about President Biden’s speech to Congress Wednesday night, including a focus on two big themes – energy and climate. Biden also discussed energy jobs and competing.
Happy Earth Week! It was a big week for climate and energy, with House Democrats re-introducing Green New Deal legislation on Tuesday, followed by the U.S. Climate Summit on Thursday,.
The “Green New Deal” is not such a good deal for American energy consumers. Designed to completely replace America’s use of abundant and affordable energy sources such as natural gas,.
Today, the price of oil was slightly lower but is headed for a weekly gain as a stronger demand outlook and signs of economic recovery offset concerns about rising COVID-19.
New Jersey residents and business owners could be looking at tens of thousands of dollars in costs from the 294-page Energy Master Plan, or EMP, a document most of the.
Recycling is a necessary conservation effort that everyone across the United States should participate in regularly and, when properly implemented, can be cost-effective for cities. If it’s done wrong, recycling.
This week, the U.S. Treasury Department released details of President Biden’s infrastructure plan, which includes replacing subsidies for traditional fuel companies while providing tax incentives for producing renewable energy or.