
Can Wal-Mart Move the Needle on Solar?

It’s the kind of deal you don’t hear about every day: The world’s largest retailer (that’s Wal-Mart Stores) recently announced plans to add solar...

Just in time for the southern state primaries: Taking the energy message south

As a Republican primary election heads into some key southern states, CEA is taking the lead in keeping energy policy at the front of...

While you were toasting…

CEA’s recent year in review offered a long list of achievements in public policy, technology and public opinion that all helped advance our goals...

Mr. President, Avoid False Choices Offered by Activists

January 27, 2014   President Barack Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, D. C. 20500 Dear Mr. President, Eighteen activists recently asked you to abandon your energy policy. We...

Algae: No Longer Simply Pond Scum!

Algae have been in existence for many millions of years. (Since the Precambrian Era to be exact.) We probably remember studying its various forms...

Alaska in balance

To fully appreciate the significance of the Interior Department’s long-awaited decision earlier this week to allow Shell Oil to drill three exploratory wells in...
Fueling a hydrogen vehicle

Hydrogen and Fuel Cells – Energy Explorer

Among the many alternative energy technologies being developed at the moment, fuel cells powered by hydrogen are among the most interesting and potentially useful....

CEAs Top Five Energy Stories in the News – July 31

In this week's mainstream news, everyone’s been talking about the blank and white #ChallengeAccepted trend on Instagram, the woman killed in Maine’s first great...

Lower Heating Costs Expected This Winter – Thanks to U.S. Energy Production

Add this to the list of things to be thankful for this coming Thanksgiving. Thanks to America’s ongoing energy revolution, American consumers no longer have...

Electricity Costs Top Concern in Evaluating “Climate Action Plan”

Consumer Group Warns of Economic Impact of Price Spikes Houston, TX – Consumer Energy Alliance’s Executive VP Michael Whatley released the following reaction to the...