
Divers at a coral reef

Energy, Oceans, and our Environment

With so many changes happening to the environment every day, it has become increasingly important to conserve, as well as preserve, our oceans and...
Tidal Power Generation

Energy Explorer: Tidal Energy

As countries across the world continue at attempts to diversify their fuel mix, many potential energy sources are being explored. One of the more...
Sunrise Over New Mexico

Energy Grows Money for Environmental Enhancements in New Mexico

If you log into Facebook you’ll see stories and shared articles claiming that the oil and gas industry is harming the environment. The industry...
Manufacturing on the factory floor

Energy Grows American Manufacturing

What’s the difference between crude oil and petroleum products? You might think they’re the same thing, but they’re not, they’re different! For those who’d like...
Top 5

Top Five Stories You Might Have Missed in Energy

As we look at the news throughout the week - these top five stories stood out as issues that directly affect consumers across the...
Gasoline Sold Out

Gas Prices and Geopolitics

Over the past 50 years, the United States has too often relied on foreign oil to fuel American families and small businesses. However, since...
Child Paddle Boarding

7 Energy Efficiency Ideas This Summer

As we pass the mid-way point for the year some of us have started evaluating our diets, our goals for the second part of...
Driving a classic car

Ways Consumers Can Save During Summer Driving Season

With the summer driving season in full swing and gas prices averaging around $2.85 per gallon, accounting for higher gas prices in your family...
Cars in Traffic

What Would the Line 3 Pipeline Delay Mean for Minnesota Energy Consumers?

No matter what business you’re in, delays are expensive. Time is money, right? The longer something takes to reach its intended market always means...
Father and Daughter Sitting in the Kitchen with Bills

Why Do Gasoline Prices Give Us So Much Angst?

There’s something about rising gasoline prices that fuel a fire in our belly. Behavior experts have studied this particular consumer purchasing habit for years...