
Solar Panel Installation

Net Metering Rules Need Update in Wyoming – Lawmakers Reject Bills

Net metering allows solar panel users to be credited for the electricity they add to the grid. Several states continue to look at updating...

CEA-Mid Atlantic Urging Pennsylvania Democrats to Reverse Moratorium Stance

CEA-Mid Atlantic Executive Director Mike Butler makes the case why Pennsylvania Democrats should ask their party leaders to turn back a proposed moratorium adopted...
Natural gas used for cooking

Natural Gas Service Ban Could Cost Virginians Over $26,000 Per Household

RICHMOND, VA – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading energy and environmental advocate for families and businesses, today released a report that finds that a natural...
Oil derricks at sunset

Biden’s Promise to Re-fill Our Reserves

CEA President David Holt joined KTRH to discuss the negative implications of using the Strategic Petroleum Reserve for political reasons as opposed to being...
Summer sunset with a red barn in rural Montana and Rocky Mountains

CEA Record of Leadership on Environmental Progress is Clear

Consumer Energy Alliance has always been and – and continues to be – one of the most pro-environment, pro-emission reduction organizations in North America. Taking...
Two steel construction workers welding metal

Infrastructure Supports Affordable Energy

Chris Ventura, CEA's Midwest Executive Director discusses how infrastructure such as pipelines and transmission lines allow for economic growth in Ohio's manufacturing sector. This low-cost...

Whatley: President’s Climate Plan Worries Industry, Consumers

President's Climate Plan Worries Industry, Consumers by Michael Whatley Consumer Energy Alliance 7/3/2013 Earlier last week at Georgetown University, President Obama laid out an aggressive plan to...
Manchester, New Hampshire

New 2018 Solar Energy Report; Finds Incentives Contributed Significantly to Solar Power Expansion in...

CONCORD, NH – As part of Consumer Energy Alliance's (CEA) Solar Energy Future campaign, the organization today released a 2018 update to its 2016...
Seismic research vessel

Open Offshore Waters for Oil/Gas Development

CEA Kevin Doyle looks at groups who oppose energy development by poisoning the public dialogue with misleading information to the detriment of Georgia's families...
Mother and baby son with a book and a flashlight before going to bed

LED Light Bulbs and Their Benefits

Many people are replacing their outdated incandescent, halogen, and compact fluorescent (CFL) light bulbs with Light-emitting Diode (LED) bulbs, but what are the benefits...