
Hundreds attend fracking hearing in Raleigh

The Associated Press reports on a public hearing in Raleigh, North Carolina focused on proposed hydraulic fracturing regulations in the state, with organizations such as CEA’s...

Federal Gov’t Must Move Forward with Arctic Exploration: New Environmental Analysis Shows It Can...

  Last week, the federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management issued a Draft Supplemental Environmental Statement (SEIS) for Chukchi Offshore Oil & Gas Lease Sale...

CEA in Raleigh to Discuss Impacts of Shale Energy Production

The Associated Press reports on a public hearing in Raleigh, North Carolina focused on proposed hydraulic fracturing regulations in the state, with organizations such...

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member: Kentucky Oil & Gas Association

HOUSTON – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome the Kentucky Oil & Gas Association as its newest affiliate member. The Kentucky Oil and...

CEA Urges Balanced Approach in State Electricity Decisions

The electricity mix in this country is changing: we’re using less coal, more natural gas and more renewable energy, and we’re learning how to...

DAVID HOLT: Promote, don’t hinder, safe and responsible energy production

An op-ed by Consumer Energy Alliance President David Holt in the San Angelo Standard-Times details the economic growth in the counties south of Refugio,...

How Affordable Energy Helps Keep Healthcare Affordable

Hospitals hum with energy from nurses, doctors and a cast of support staff who provide care and treatment to help the sick heal. Healthcare professionals...

Alaska is Key to America’s Energy Success

America is at the beginning of a profound and sustained Energy Revolution. New technologies and innovation are spurring expanded opportunities in oil & gas...

Fourth Annual CEA Energy Day Festival a Success

Twenty five thousand people turned out Saturday, along with more than 70 exhibitors, to applaud dozens of Houston area teachers and students who were...
Austin Texas skyscrapers skyline aerial at sunset from helicopter

The Energy Revolution is Supporting Texas-Sized Population Growth

America is in the midst of an energy boom. We all know this. We also know the positive impact it has had on our...