
side hustle

Please Tell Me I’m Not the Only One Living Paycheck to Paycheck?

Most people are familiar with the term, “keeping up with the Joneses” or at the very least recognize the phenomenon that happens with the...
Trans Alaska Pipeline in Winter

Consumer Energy Alliance Statement on Final Arctic Drilling Rule

In response to today’s Interior Department release of a final Arctic offshore exploratory drilling rule, Consumer Energy Alliance President David Holt issued the following...
Oil rig in Atlantic Ocean

Energy Talk With Michael Zehr

Michael Zehr, Federal Policy Advisor for Consumer Energy Alliance, discusses energy consumption in the U.S. with Les Sinclair.  The Energy Information Administration says the...
South Carolina Myrtle Beach

Planned Offshore Leasing Review Draws Party-line Questions at Hearing

CEA's Michael Whatley recently testified on the importance offshore energy exploration has on reducing costs for energy consumers and job creation and when families...
Rooftop Solar

CEA Working for Fair Solar Metering in Pueblo, Colorado

Last year, Colorado ranked 11th of all states for installed solar capacity – which is excellent progress. This progress has been achieved by the...
American oil refinery

Energy Exports Lower Trade Deficit

Energy continues to dominate the economy recovery as news this week shows the value of U.S. coal and petroleum exports doubled in the last...
Castle Hill light house in Rhode Island New England

New England Infrastructure Needs an Update

There’s no easy way to say this: New England’s energy future is dim. Limited pipeline capacity, federal and state regulations, and a change in the...

CEA Commends Administration, Department of Energy for Issuing First Loan Guarantee to Build Nuclear...

HOUSTON – February 17, 2010   Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) applauded the Administration’s announcement yesterday that the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) will soon be...
Offshore energy production in the Gulf of Mexico

Nothing Off Limits Offshore in Trump Administration OCS Drilling Plan, but Protracted Fight Expected

CEA's David Holt commented on the Trump administration's proposed five year plan for American energy production - one of the most comprehensive plans for...