Press Releases

Father Playing with Kids

Consumer Energy and Environmental Group Testifies in Support of Kentucky Energy Consumer Protection Legislation;...

Louisville, KY – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading energy and environmental advocate for families and businesses, testified at a Kentucky House Natural Resources...

Consumer Energy Alliance Thanks John Heimlich for Years of Service and Leadership

WASHINGTON, D.C.  – Consumer Energy Alliance, the leading voice for sensible energy and environmental policies for families and businesses, announced that John Heimlich, vice...

Michigan Residents Ask President Obama to Permit the Keystone XL Pipeline

LANSING – The Michigan Chamber of Commerce with its partner Consumer Energy Alliance submitted today to federal officials 18,848 public comments from Michigan residents...

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member: Rigzone

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member: Rigzone HOUSTON, TX: Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome Rigzone as its newest affiliate member. Rigzone, the leading...

Consumer Advocate Issues Statement on Reports About Proposed Federal Offshore Leasing Program

"...both parties to bring forward thoughtful, intellectually serious energy policies that will secure the nation's long-term energy, economic, and national security." Houston, TX – Consumer Energy...
EV Charging Station

EV Options are Good for Consumers, EPA’s Proposal to Force Unrealistic EV Sales Mandates...

Lack of U.S. critical minerals development means almost total reliance on China for EV parts, creating national security & environmental risks while hurting consumers WASHINGTON...

U.S. Climate Summit Provides Opportunity to Highlight American Leadership in Reducing Emissions, Leading Consumer...

Washington DC – Following the Biden Administration’s release of new national commitments to emissions reductions as part of the U.S.-hosted international Climate Summit, Consumer...

CEA Testifies In Support Of New Pipeline Route

CEA Testifies In Support Of New Pipeline Route: On Tuesday, CEA Executive Vice President Michael Whatley testified at a public hearing held by the...

CEA Issues Statement Following President Obama’s Morning Press Conference

Statement from CEA executive vice president Michael Whatley in response to President Obama's press conference today: “We would hope that raising taxes on American drivers...

Consumer Energy Alliance Announces New Board of Directors

HOUSTON – Two key manufacturing executives have taken leadership positions on Consumer Energy Alliance’s (CEA) board of directors, the organization’s president David Holt announced...