Missouri Families and Small Businesses Support Energy Infrastructure

Mom with two young children

In most studies, Missouri’s electricity grid ranks high in reliability and affordability. Missouri historically gets better electric service, at a lower price, than most states — a perfect combination for businesses and families, CEA’s Brydon Ross explains.

For example, what has typically been viewed as a common-sense approach based on years of experience did not happen, specifically with the Grain Belt Express project. Although the PSC determined that the project is in the public’s interest and will benefit the state, they were unable to grant the project approval to move forward, pointing to a recent appellate court case on a separate project as justification. The public policy implications are obviously problematic for the PSC and Missouri’s energy infrastructure.

Read More – Springfield News-Leader

Shale Gas News Speaks with CEA’s David Holt

Natural Gas Pipeline

The Shale Gas News featured an interview with Consumer Energy Alliance’s David Holt on issues facing the natural gas industry and consumers in America.

Every Saturday Rusty Fender and I host a morning radio show to discuss all things natural gas. This week, as a guest, we had Matt Austin, President of Holcombe Energy and Eastern Freight Systems. We also replayed an interview, from this past February, we had with David Holt of Consumer Energy Alliance.

Listen Here – The Shale Gas News

Energy Day Festival Makes Its Way to East High School

Colorado Energy Day 2017

CEA’s Andrew Browning appeared in the Denver Post discussing the goals of Colorado’s first Energy Day Festival. Join families, teachers, and industry leaders at Denver’s East High School on Saturday, September 23rd for a free day of interactive exhibits and hands-on learning!

“STEM jobs are the key to our future economic growth, particularly in helping us continue our ongoing energy revolution in Colorado and across the U.S., safely and securely,” said Andrew Browning in a statement. Browning is the chief operating officer of Consumer Energy Alliance and a chief organizer of the Denver event.

Read More – The Denver Post

Protesting Pipelines Is Becoming A Growing ‘Industry’

DAPL Protests

Stories about groups protesting the Keystone and Dakota Access pipelines in the recent past remain in the minds of many, as their headlines once splashed across countless newspapers at home and abroad. And, there will likely be many more, as protesting the construction of new oil and gas pipelines has become an industry in itself, said David Holt, president of Consumer Energy Alliance, to Rigzone.

“This is a growing trend,” he said, adding that it can cost companies an enormous amount of time and money and can ultimately shut a project down – as it did with the Dakota Access Pipeline. “And if companies don’t change the way they manage public perception up front, it’s going to continue.”

Read more – Rigzone

Consumer Energy Alliance Expands Campaign to Focus on Minnesotans’ Access to Affordable Energy

A couple paying their utility bills

MINNEAPOLIS, MN – Consumer energy advocate, Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), released a pair of television ads seen only in Minnesota during Sunday night’s broadcast of the Emmy Awards to focus on “Modernizing Minnesota” as part of its on-going Pipelines for America campaign. The consumer group’s expanded Minnesota effort is focused on promoting critically-needed energy infrastructure upgrades to Enbridge’s Line 3 pipeline.

The Line 3 Replacement Program will fully replace 1,031 miles of the pipeline’s 1,097 miles with new, modern infrastructure on both sides of the U.S.-Canada border. The remaining 66 miles were already improved through the Line 3 Segment Replacement Program.

“Line 3 is one of Minnesota’s most indispensable assets in the distribution of energy,” CEA Midwest Director Chris Ventura said, adding that the highly integrated nature of the nation’s oil pipeline network creates more urgency for upgrades to the pipeline’s aging infrastructure so that energy prices remain affordable for all Americans. “Upgrades to existing infrastructure would provide much greater and significantly more affordable access to fuel for the families and businesses statewide that rely on this much-needed energy source.”

“It is imperative for families everywhere,” Ventura added, “that we not neglect the need for expanded, modern infrastructure to deliver much-needed energy.”

The campaign comes after the International Energy Agency (IEA) recently reported that fossil fuels accounted for 81 percent of the world’s energy consumption – a number that has not changed since 1987. The U.S. Department of Transportation also reports that pipelines are the safest, most reliable and most efficient means of transporting energy – 4.5 times safer than moving it via truck, rail or any other means. These statistics demonstrate the continuing need for the reliable and safe transportation option only pipelines can deliver – especially pipelines like Line 3 which will see an upgrade of materials and safety technology simultaneously.

“Enbridge’s strong track record, combined with the fact that 99.999 percent of all fuel transported by pipeline safely reaches its destination, shows that quickly moving this project along should be a no-brainer for all involved,” Ventura said. “Upgrading existing infrastructure, with new modern, efficient technology is a win for all Minnesotans who want to protect the environment, while also continuing to enjoy a great quality of life.”

CEA’s “Modernizing Minnesota” effort, and its ongoing Pipelines for America campaign, seeks to change the discussion and provide a common-sense understanding of the need for infrastructure and energy delivery via televised and digital ads, and overall educational efforts, throughout Minnesota. CEA’s experts will attend hearings and host informational forums statewide to advocate for the benefits of the project and others like it.


About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) brings together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers and manufacturers to support America’s energy future. With more than 450,000 members nationwide, our mission is to help ensure stable prices and energy security for households across the country. We believe energy development is something that touches everyone in our nation, and thus it is necessary for all of us to actively engage in the conversation about how we develop our diverse energy resources and energy’s importance to the economy. Learn more at ConsumerEnergyAlliance.org.


Media Contact:
Emily Haggstrom
P: 720-582-0242

Denver Energy Day 2017 Featured Video Clip on CBS News

Denver Energy Day 2017

CEA’s Andrew Browning and Anadarko Petroleum’s Jarrad Berg were featured on Denver CBS4 News discussing Denver’s Energy Day 2017. This Saturday, September 23rd at East High School, Denver’s first Energy Day festival is a free family event with fun STEM education themed interactive exhibits. Watch the video to see Anadarko Petroleum’s interactive 3D topology sandbox.

Denver’s first ever Energy Day Festival will take place Sept. 23 at East High School. The event is meant to show kids fun skills surrounding Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), and get them thinking about a possible STEM career. It’s put on by the Consumer Energy Alliance and the Consumer Energy Education Foundation to help Cities that are experiencing a shortage in this critical workforce.

Watch the Video – Denver CBS4

Consumer Energy Alliance Welcomes New Member: Business Council of Alabama

Montgomery Alabama

HOUSTON, TX – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is pleased to welcome the Business Council of Alabama as its newest affiliate member.

The Business Council of Alabama (BCA) is Alabama’s foremost voice for business. The BCA is a non-partisan, statewide business association representing the interests and concerns of nearly 1 million working Alabamians through its member companies and its partnership with the Chamber of Commerce Association of Alabama. The BCA is Alabama’s exclusive affiliate to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Manufacturers.

“The Business Council of Alabama understands that smart, sensible policies that encourage new growth and innovation in energy are critical to the state’s future and ushering in a new and long-lasting era of energy abundance,” said BCA President and Chief Executive Officer William Canary. “We are pleased to join CEA’s efforts to advance constructive dialogue and common-sense solutions that will benefit Alabama’s businesses and our greatest asset in economic development – our citizens.”

“CEA strongly shares the Business Council of Alabama’s goal to secure a prosperous future for families, workers, and businesses across the state,” said CEA President David Holt. “Access to affordable and reliable energy is key to realizing that goal, and we look forward to working with BCA to ensure thoughtful and responsible energy policies that maximize Alabama’s full economic potential and avoid burdens that disproportionately impact businesses and families who can least afford them.”

For more information on the Business Council of Alabama, visit their website.


About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) brings together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers and manufacturers to support America’s energy future. With more than 450,000 members nationwide, our mission is to help ensure stable prices and energy security for households across the country. We believe energy development is something that touches everyone in our nation, and thus it is necessary for all of us to actively engage in the conversation about how we develop our diverse energy resources and energy’s importance to the economy. Learn more at ConsumerEnergyAlliance.org.

Emily Haggstrom
P: 720-582-0242

FERC: New York DEC Waived CWA Authority in Millennium Pipeline Filing

New York City

CEA’s David Holt weighs in on the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation decision to waive authority over whether to issue or deny a water-quality certification for the Millennium natural gas pipeline’s 7.8-mile Valley Lateral in Orange County, NY. The NYSDEC did not act within the federal Clean Water Act’s Section 401 1-year timeframe, the US Federal Energy Regulatory.

In Houston, Consumer Energy Alliance Pres. David Holt noted that a federal appeals court ruled this summer that FERC has the authority to bypass NYSDEC’s denial of stream-crossing permits for the Valley Lateral. “Ironically, state agencies approved the [gas-fired] power plant the pipeline would serve, but not the pipeline itself, leaving no way to actually deliver the energy to families and business,” he said.

Read more – Oil & Gas Journal

How Maryland Consumers Benefit from the Independence Energy Connection

Mother and son saving money in a piggybank

CEA’s Mike Butler explains why families in Maryland pay $181.55 more for electricity annually than the national average. These higher costs hit families and individuals who are less well-off harder than others. According to Bureau of Labor Statistics, the bottom fifth of U.S. households spent 22 percent of their after-tax income on residential utility bills and gasoline in April 2016, many in Maryland included.

When an abundance of low-cost electricity exists but there are no power lines available to move the supply to areas of demand, customers overpay for electricity. That’s where the Independence Energy Connection, a proposed electric transmission project, can help. Just ask PJM Interconnection, the regional transmission operator that determines when infrastructure upgrades or new projects are needed. PJM estimates a regional cost-savings of $622 million for consumers in the first 15 years the project is in service.

Read more – Herald Mail Media

Kevin Doyle on Energy Infrastructure and Hurricane Irma Recovery

Hurricane damage

This Week in Jacksonville with Kent Justice on Channel 4 WJXT, Hurricane Irma recovery with U.S. Rep. Al Lawson; Allen Ginder, on Gov. Scott’s Technology Advisory Board to discuss tech support to help storm victims; Kevin Doyle of Consumer Energy Alliance-Florida, and Christian Smith of the Red Cross.

Watch Here – News 4 JAX