Consumer Group Applauds Virginia House Commerce and Energy Committee for Protecting Affordable, Reliable Natural Gas Service

Mother and baby son with a book and a flashlight before going to bed

Legislation Will Defend Families from More than $26,000/Household in Needless Costs

RICHMOND, VAConsumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading energy and environmental advocate for families and businesses, issued the following statement as the Virginia House of Delegates’ Commerce and Energy Committee passed House Bill 1257, legislation which ensures that all customers have continued access to affordable, reliable natural gas service in Virginia:

“CEA thanks members of the Commerce and Energy Committee for approving Majority Leader Kilgore’s legislation protecting Virginia’s families and small businesses from irresponsible calls to prohibit the use and availability of reliable, safe and clean fuels like natural gas,” CEA Southeast Executive Director Kevin Doyle said. “Virginia families and small businesses rely on natural gas for electricity, heating and manufacturing. Banning natural gas will only hurt Virginians, create an unnecessary financial burden for families across the state, and offer no assistance towards meeting our environmental goals or reaching net zero carbon emissions.”

“A recent analysis by CEA found that a natural gas ban in Virginia could cost a household in the Richmond area over $26,000 in heat pump installations, appliance upgrades and replacements, permitting or ductwork. That size financial burden would be ruinous for a family, small business or those living on fixed incomes,” Doyle said.

“We hope the Virginia General Assembly will join the nearly 20 other states across the nation in passing this common-sense legislation to preserve access to affordable, reliable and environmentally responsible energy for all Virginians.”


About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is the leading voice for sensible energy and environmental policies for consumers, bringing together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers, and manufacturers to support America’s environmentally sustainable energy future. With more than 550,000 members nationwide, we are committed to leading the nation’s dialogue around energy, its critical role in the economy, and how it supports the vital supply chains for the families and businesses that depend on them. CEA works daily to encourage communities across the nation to seek sensible, realistic, and environmentally responsible solutions to meet our nation’s energy needs.

Bryson Hull
(202) 657-2855

Looking for a Clean Energy Future with RNG; Stop Fighting Vital Pipelines

Cows in a field

Despite misguided opposition around existing or new natural gas pipeline projects, this infrastructure is vital to the United States’ emerging clean energy future for a reason few climate activists talk much about.

Pipelines are critical now and in the future for transporting landfill gas (yes, all of our trash) and renewable natural gas, or RNG, from agricultural sources (think cattle and pig waste) that can be blended into our energy mix.

RNG is increasingly viewed as another promising renewable technology along with wind and solar power that can help reduce emissions while ensuring our grid remains reliable and resilient. Biofuels are expected to moderately increase through 2050, providing a diverse range of energy including the eventual use of blue and green hydrogen in our future electricity mix. Unfortunately, little attention has been paid to just how to transport this energy to utilities and customers. This is why existing pipelines are one of the biggest solutions to making this idea a reality.

Yet it will take time for RNG to further mature and production to accelerate. It will require decades before the wind, solar and other renewables or battery storage technology can supply the nation’s baseline energy needs without the need for clean and inexpensive natural gas.

Thus, it’s imperative to continue to maintain, repair and replace existing natural gas pipeline infrastructure or build new pipelines so they can carry RNG when the time comes. Many opponents of natural gas say this creates a lifeline to the fuel source without considering there is nothing currently to replace it.  We can’t conflate the future evolution many years down the road with the present need.

To underscore this point for modern pipeline infrastructure, simply recognize that over 90% of Western New York homes and businesses and 75% of New Jersey households rely on natural gas as their primary heating source. Natural gas is the overwhelming supplier for power generation in Downstate New York now that the Indian Point Nuclear power plant has been shut down prematurely. In fact, nearly all of New York’s low carbon sources of power are in Upstate New York and far away from load centers – which New York’s State Energy Research and Development Authority has dubbed the ‘tale of two grids.’

Nationwide, the U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates that natural gas accounted for 42% of residential energy consumption in 2020.

The Transportation Department considers pipelines the safest, most environmentally friendly and most efficient and reliable mode of transporting natural gas. We also have tens of thousands of miles of this infrastructure in the ground in the Mid-Atlantic alone. They are already paid for and in service for millions of businesses, homes and commercial enterprises. Despite their use now, this is why these pipelines will be essential in the future to carry RNG to industrial sites, manufacturers or utilities to generate electricity and home heating.

RNG as a significant “green” power or home heating supply isn’t just a pipe dream either. It serves as a solution to the billions of gallons of animal manure and millions of tons of food waste generated each year in the U.S. Agricultural opponents decry the methane produced during the industrial process of growing food – and this is one of the leading opportunities to do something about it . The government in 2014 estimated that the U.S. could support at least 13,000 biogas facilities fed by such waste, and they would produce enough renewable energy to power three million homes.

As for natural gas companies accepting or planning to receive RNG into their pipeline networks, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) listed 55 of them in a July 2020 overview. The EPA noted that the delivery method can be expensive for a number of reasons. But it also noted that pipeline injection can convey the RNG across a vast distribution network and furnish flexibility on how and where the RNG is ultimately used. Plus, RNG costs will decline as technology and other advances emerge, similar to the price decreases we saw across solar and wind technology from their more recent inception.

It’s obvious that if we don’t actively support and promote a modern natural gas pipeline system, we won’t have the infrastructure in the future when it is needed for transporting RNG to meet our energy demands. Let’s start treating our pipeline infrastructure as a solution to our clean energy goals rather than something to be vilified.

Congress Should Focus on Lower Energy Prices, Not Partisan Politics

Woman looking at household bills

Consumer Group Urges Senate, House Committees to Look for Practical Solutions to Energy Cost Crisis

WASHINGTON  – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading energy and environmental advocate for families and businesses, issued the following statement ahead of a House Oversight Committee hearing on oil and gas companies and a Senate Energy and Natural Resources (ENR) hearing that will include a rare second confirmation interview with President Biden’s nominee for principal deputy assistant secretary for land and mineral management at the Interior Department.

“Reducing record high energy prices and the highest inflation in 40 years should be the primary focus of our elected leaders right now. We hope the House Oversight Committee hearing will focus on inclusive energy and environmental solutions that will produce the energy families, parents and small businesses need to survive,” CEA Federal Affairs Adviser Michael Zehr said. “We all want a clean environment and we support efforts to reduce emissions and diversify the energy supply. But it is now clear that the Administration has a de facto ban on offshore drilling along with ongoing regulatory red tape that is limiting our energy choices and leading to shortages, outages, increased costs, decreased reliability and increased emissions.”

“We urge members of the Senate ENR committee to raise questions as to why the Congressionally mandated federal offshore oil and gas lease sales and the five-year planning process have been delayed in the Interior Department. Again, our elected leaders need to find ways to lower costs for Americans, while keeping up our world-leading emissions reductions,” Zehr said. “Unfortunately, we are witnessing the opposite approach now and in 2021, which marked the first deterioration in our overall environmental progress in several years. Practical policy designed to keep energy affordable helps our environment, and unnecessary restrictions only limit our options to build on our environmental record while keeping costs affordable.”



About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is the leading voice for sensible energy and environmental policies for consumers, bringing together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers, and manufacturers to support America’s environmentally sustainable energy future. With more than 550,000 members nationwide, we are committed to leading the nation’s dialogue around energy, its critical role in the economy, and how it supports the vital supply chains for the families and businesses that depend on them. CEA works daily to encourage communities across the nation to seek sensible, realistic, and environmentally responsible solutions to meet our nation’s energy needs.

Bryson Hull
(202) 657-2855

A Look at Our 2022 Campaigns

As we continue our commitment toward a balanced energy mix, we wanted to share some of our existing, new, and upcoming campaigns that highlight the progress and action we’re taking toward CEA’s ongoing mission to ensure affordable, reliable, and environmentally responsible energy for families and businesses throughout the nation.

If you are interested in learning about- or getting more involved in any of our campaigns, please contact your regional director or you can be directed to the appropriate campaign lead through Kaitlyn Bennett at



Engagement: Virtual programming, direct meetings/outreach, reports, events, digitals, social media, earned media, advertising



FEDERAL (Hydrogen, CCUS & EOR, Helium) and New Mexico

Engagement: Virtual programming, direct meetings/outreach, reports, events, digitals, social media, earned media, newsletters, advertising



CCUS, EOR, Industrial Storage, and SAF focused


Engagement: Direct meetings/outreach, digitals, social media, advertising


Critical Minerals focused

FEDERAL | Target states identified

Engagement: Direct meetings/outreach, events, press statements




Engagement: Virtual programming, direct meetings/outreach, reports, events, digitals, social media, earned media, member communications, advertising


H2 – Clean Energy Progress Now
Hydrogen focused


Engagement: Direct meetings/outreach, website content, presentations

Transmission focused

FEDERAL | Northeast / Southeast

Engagement: Direct meetings/outreach, website content




Engagement: Direct meetings/outreach, events, digitals, social media, earned media, broadcast television, advertising




Engagement: Direct meetings/outreach, reports, events, digitals, social media, earned media, broadcast television, advertising




Engagement: Virtual programming, direct meetings/outreach, reports, events, digitals, social media, earned media, advertising




Engagement: Direct meetings/outreach, reports, events, digitals, social media, earned media, web content, advertising


RNG focused


Engagement: Direct meetings/outreach, presentations, web content, earned media, social media 




Engagement: Direct meetings/outreach, reports, social media, earned media, web content




Engagement: Virtual programming, direct meetings/outreach, reports, events, social media, earned media, web content, advertising, direct mail

CEA’s Top 5 Favorite Energy Stories This Week – February 4

Natural gas prices spiked 16% on Wednesday ahead of winter storms, and 55% since December. Unfortunately, many will be receiving higher than usual utility bills in the coming months. Some California residents have seen their energy bills double in price, although their usage did not increase.

In an effort to help those struggling to afford home energy costs, the White House announced a payment assistance program this week.

Oil prices are also on the rise, reaching seven-year highs today at over $92 a barrel, as geopolitical tensions and a winter storms fueled concerns over supply disruptions.

Meanwhile, the Biden Administration extended Trump-era tariffs on imported solar energy equipment by four years today, but eased the terms to exclude a panel technology dominant among big U.S. projects.

Want more of this week’s biggest news in energy? Read more below!

5Saving the planet in style

Finland consumes more java per-capita than any other nation in the world, according to the International Coffee Organization, and with all of those beans comes an awful lot of waste. To combat this, Helsinki-based footwear firm Rens has created a waterproof trainer made from coffee waste and recycled plastic bottles. Brighter Side of News reports that the recycled sneakers are an attempt to lessen the environmental impact of used coffee grounds, which emit as much methane as ten million cars every year.

4 Winemakers reduce their carbon footprint

A standard glass wine bottle accounts for 29% of a wine’s carbon footprint. Santiago Navarro, CEO and cofounder of London-based Garçon Wines, plans to launch his 100%-recycled PET flat bottles in the U.S. this spring with a brand called Packamama, a packaging alternative for the domestic wine industry. Fast Company reports that Navarro’s bottles could reduce CO2 emissions by 50% compared with standard glass bottles.

3An easier path to renewable fuel

Bio-fuel researchers have been working to develop a self-sustaining process that converts waste from renewable carbon sources into fuels, while keeping waste carbon out of our atmosphere and water. Now, a research team has developed a fuel recovery system that is carbon-neutral or even potentially carbon-negative. Eurasia Review reports that it turns unrecoverable, diluted “waste” carbon into valuable chemicals, while simultaneously generating useful hydrogen.

2Revolutionizing wireless charging

A new power transfer technology makes it possible to conveniently charge devices without using any wires or plugs. Warehouse robots, kitchen appliances, and even phones or laptops can receive power anywhere over the charging area. Brighter Side of News reports that this technology could eventually power electric vehicles while they’re on the go since the power transfer continues while devices are in motion.

1Fusion energy’s major milestone

Nuclear fusion is perhaps best known as the process that powers stars. Scientists have recently made a major stride towards turning fusion energy into a viable energy source. The Independent reports that the research could allow for the creation of a whole new kind of sustainable energy source that in turn could revolutionize the way we power our world.

Rush to Reason – Affordable Energy

Young woman working at home

CEA’s Andrew Browning joined John Rush to talk about energy affordability for consumers who are seeing rising energy prices everywhere they look.

Listen here – KLZ 560 AM

Consumer Group Applauds House Members for Creating a Way to Protect Virginia Consumers from More than $26,000 in Unnecessary Expenses

Family cooking breakfast

RICHMOND, VAConsumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading energy and environmental advocate for families and businesses, issued the following statement regarding the introduction of House Bill 1257, which proposes to ensure that all natural gas ratepayers have continued access to affordable, reliable natural gas service in Virginia:

“CEA applauds Leader Kilgore for sponsoring this important legislation that will protect Virginia’s families and small businesses from ill-conceived calls to prohibit the use and availability of reliable, safe and clean fuels like natural gas,” CEA Southeast Executive Director Kevin Doyle said.

“Extreme activists who are advocating for bans on energy choices and removing options fail to understand the devastating harm they would cause to families, business and industries that rely on natural gas for electricity, manufacturing and heating; while offering no assistance to our shared efforts of meeting environmental goals and marching toward net zero carbon emissions.”

“Energy service bans or phase-outs would cost Virginia’s families and businesses billions, a burden that would be ruinous for those living at or below the poverty level and small businesses already suffering from inflation.”

CEA in August released a report which found that a natural gas ban could cost a household in the Richmond area over $26,000 from “forced electrification” with heat pump installations, wiring upgrades, appliance replacement and permitting or ductwork, depending on how dependent a home was on the fuel.

“Virginia’s General Assembly has an opportunity to do what nearly 20 states have already done across the nation by passing sensible legislation to preserve access to affordable, reliable and environmentally responsible energy for all Virginians. With oil over $90 a barrel, inflation at its highest level in 40 years, and stock market jitters, now is the time to ensure that the Commonwealth has a sensible energy policy that preserves affordable and reliable energy.”

“We hope this year’s General Assembly joins other states across the nation in support of this common-sense legislation that protects consumers, families, and businesses across the Commonwealth.”


About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is the leading voice for sensible energy and environmental policies for consumers, bringing together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers, and manufacturers to support America’s environmentally sustainable energy future. With more than 550,000 members nationwide, we are committed to leading the nation’s dialogue around energy, its critical role in the economy, and how it supports the vital supply chains for the families and businesses that depend on them. CEA works daily to encourage communities across the nation to seek sensible, realistic, and environmentally responsible solutions to meet our nation’s energy needs.

Bryson Hull
(202) 657-2855

Valentine’s Day and Energy Efficiency = The Perfect Match

Valentines Day

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. Whether you’ve got a significant other to share it with, are doing a Galantines, or couldn’t care less – we’ve got you covered with energy-efficient ways to spark up a good conversation or spread the love this coming holiday weekend!

Baby Lock The Door and Turn the Lights Down Low….

Valentine’s Day wouldn’t be complete without some mood lighting. Although a candlelit dinner is a romantic addition to your night, why not try an alternative lighting option. LED bulbs are designed as a more energy-efficient light source, using a semiconductor to convert electricity to light. These bulbs produce light up to 90% more efficiently than incandescent light bulbs. Fluorescent lights waste approximately 95% of their energy as heat, and only 5% to emit light, while LED lights are the opposite – using 95% of their energy for lighting!

Turn Up the Heat

Lucky for you, a fireplace is a perfect choice for heating things up on a cold Valentine’s Day night without costing a fortune. Don’t bother turning on the heater, when an energy-efficient electric fireplace can add a touch of romance and warmth to your evening. There are a variety of energy-efficient heating systems to use in your home, so take your pick on how you choose to turn up the heat!

Hang Up and Hang Out

Whether your valentine is near or far, quality time is a must for this holiday. Shutting off electronic devices gives your partner, your friend or you the undivided attention needed and can help you add up the savings not just on Valentine’s Day, but every day if you start the habit. In case you didn’t know, electronic devices that are plugged in and not actively being used are still consuming energy. Best way to combat this is to unplug! Have too much plugged in? That’s okay – there are plenty of power strips that can help you unplug numerous devices at once. Purchase a power strip that has a built-in timer to turn devices on or off at a set time each day. It’s a perfect solution for powering down the TV that you forgot to turn off before falling asleep.

At Home 5-Star Dining Experience

While heading out on the town is the typical plan, staying in and cooking can be very romantic! Cooking at home can be a great way to connect with your partner, as well as whipping up a dish you know you both will like while saving energy even better. Electric skillets, slow or pressure cookers, and air fryers are all great substitutes for cooking without sacrificing the flavor of your dish. The electricity consumption of air fryers is relatively low in comparison to traditional cooking appliances. Looking for a new recipe to try for your love? Try one of these recipes crafted for this special day.

If you decide to go out to dinner anyway, make sure you have a programmable thermostat so that your house isn’t over heating – leaving you with some extra spending money to use on your Valentine.

Bouquet for Your Boo?

Still looking for a Valentine’s gift for your date? Although chocolate boxes, heartfelt cards, and flower bouquets dominate the Valentine’s gift selection each year, you may want to double-check the price of those roses you have on hold. Flower bouquet prices are expected to rise just in time for this holiday. From labor and supply chain shortages to lack of workers and increased fuel costs you’ll need some added cash to make your sweetie smile. If your valentine looks forward to a bouquet each year, don’t stress! Switch up the traditional flower bouquet with a macaron bouquet, chocolate strawberry bouquet, or paper bouquet – all of which are easy to DIY!

Me, Myself and I

Bebe Rexha, G-Eazy, Beyonce and even De La Soul had it right – just me, myself and I. Turn up your jams and turn down your thermostat for a cozy night in, making dinner and watching movies on the couch – the world is your oyster. Looking for something fun and different to do? Instead of ordering through a food delivery service, create your own episode of Chopped in real life by creating a new dish using ingredients you already have on hand.

Keeping the spark alive this Valentine’s Day will be easier than ever this year. Who says energy efficiency isn’t a turn-on?

CEA’s Top 5 Favorite Energy Stories This Week – January 28

Oil prices surged over $90 per barrel this week for the first time in seven years. Analysts are predicting a continued bullish oil market due to a number of factors, including low inventories and very little indication that OPEC+ will produce more oil than required under the terms of its agreement.

Yet even amid surging energy prices, a U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia yesterday blocked a federal offshore oil and gas lease sale conducted in November, Lease Sale 257 – a move that will make the U.S. more reliant on OPEC+ and work against our global climate goals.

Meanwhile, sources say the White House is considering extending Trump-era tariffs on solar power imports, but with a few tweaks to make it easier for American installers to access supplies.

Want more energy news? Check out our favorite stories from the week below!


5There’s a new electric school bus in town, and it has vehicle-to-grid capability

The new electric school bus with innovative vehicle-to-grid technology can serve as a power storage resource when it’s not transporting students. Electrek shares that the bus can transport 30 students and travel 140 miles on a single charge.

4Electric vehicle sets new world record

A new Guinness World Record was set recently when an electric vehicle by Porsche traveled from Los Angeles to New York City with less than 2.5 hours of charging along the way. Slash Gear reports that they previous record stood at just over 7 hours.

3One of the largest hydrogen electrolyzers in the world begins operations

Based in China, the electrolyzer will produce green hydrogen for fuel cell vehicles during the 2022 Winter Olympics. CNBC shares that following the Olympic games, the 20 megawatt hydrogen electrolyzer will be used in commercial and public transportation.

2Offshore electric charging stations could help decarbonize the maritime industry

The world’s first full-scale offshore charging station for vessels will make its debut in the third quarter of 2022, when it is scheduled for demonstration at an offshore wind farm. Electrek reports that the charging station will deliver offshore electric charging solutions to vessels at ports, hubs and offshore energy operations.

1Nuclear scientists achieve new milestone in nuclear fusion

Researchers achieved a mega milestone when, for a fraction of a second, they sparked a fusion reaction that sustained itself by reaching temperatures more than three times hotter than the center of the sun. PBS explains how this milestone puts nuclear fusion closer than ever to the threshold of ignition, when the fuel can continue to burn on its own and produce more energy than what’s needed to spark the initial reaction.

Court Decision on Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas Leasing Disastrous for U.S. Families, Small Businesses, Consumer Group Says

Two offshore oil rigs during sunset

WASHINGTON – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) Federal Affairs Adviser Michael Zehr made the following statement after the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia blocked a federal offshore oil and gas lease sale, Lease Sale 257, conducted in November.

“This ill-conceived decision represents a culmination of the counter-productive anti-energy policies being advanced in our country at the expense of American families and our environment. Yesterday, oil prices broke $90 a barrel, with experts citing supply constraints as the primary driver.”

“This ruling will only add to the high energy prices and runaway inflation parents, families and business are suffering, which have been fueled by recent policies that have eroded America’s status as the world’s largest oil and gas producer, and leading environmental steward.”

“Lease sales are essential to the private-sector investment decision-making process which results in Americans having access to affordable, reliable energy, and it is incumbent upon the Biden Administration to follow the law and ensure these sales go forward in a timely and fair manner.”

“Yet some in the Administration and Congress are pursuing policies & regulations designed to halt domestic oil and gas development with new taxes, fees, and restrictions aimed at punishing investors supporting these activities. All of this will end up failing to advance our net-zero objectives, while costing consumers more as prices rise to offset these efforts.”

“At a time when the U.S. energy industry is ready to provide real solutions to our energy needs, officials are begging for oil from less-regulated and more carbon-intensive producers from OPEC nations and Russia. This is the opposite of acting to protect the environment, since all of these producers have larger greenhouse gas emissions footprints than ours in the Gulf – the least-carbon intensive basin in the world.”

“If protecting the environment is the name of the game, power generation in the U.S. has reverted to higher-emitting energy sources over the past year because of policies thwarting oil and gas development – hurting America’s two-decade record of the world’s largest emissions reductions. This should tell us we are on the wrong path with these unwise policies.”

“We urge the Biden Administration to listen to families and businesses all across the country who are crying out for relief at the pump and to swiftly defend the lease sale in court to ensure it and the five-year plan can go forward. No one will feel the positive effects of economic growth if we have continuous high energy prices and the worst inflation in 40 years. We need a serious, balanced energy policy that includes oil and natural gas and continues our path toward our shared net-zero carbon emission goals.”


About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is the leading voice for sensible energy and environmental policies for consumers, bringing together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers, and manufacturers to support America’s environmentally sustainable energy future.

Bryson Hull
(202) 657-2855