New Yorkers Can Expect to Pay Over $27,000 to Retrofit Homes to All-Electric Appliances:...
Analysis Shows Price Increases Will Increase Inequality, Reduce Energy Reliability
SYRACUSE, NY – Banning natural gas service will increase inequality, risk electricity reliability and could cost...
There’s Low-cost Energy to Be Had, but Not for New England
As New England prepares for another uncertain winter, CEA's Marc Brown explores the policies that are causing the region's electricity bills to surge ahead...
WFEA’s Morning Update
CEA's Chris Ventura joined Drew to talk about rising New England energy costs for home heating and gas prices as families prepare for the...
Oil and Natural Gas Producers Say Texas Has a Pipeline Problem
CEA President David Holt joined KTRH to talk about how pipeline constraints are contributing to the increased volatility of energy prices, and how new...
New England’s Gas Constraints Mean More Help With Hefty Heating Bills
As consumers look at spending over $14.1 billion more on home heating and energy costs this winter, one of the hardest hit regions of...
Buckle Up for ‘Worst Case Scenario’: Winter to Bring Massive Energy Price Increases
With a colder than normal winter expected for the United States, CEA's David Holt joined CBN News to talk about how this will impact...
Plan Would Trigger Higher Energy Costs
CEA Midwest Executive Director, Chris Ventura, examines how activist lawsuits designed to limit family choices for home heating, cooking, and travel are contributing to...
White House Does Victory Lap on Gas Prices While Other Energy Prices Skyrocket
While some politicians are focusing on small decreases in the price of gasoline, despite remaining at historic highs, CEA's latest analysis on winter heating...
Consumer Energy Alliance, Mississippi Energy Institute Host Congressman Guest (MS-03) at Roundtable Event Discussing...
Participants discuss inflation-causing strain high energy prices put on agriculture
Jackson, MS - Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading energy and environmental advocate for families...
Energy Dependent: Biden Seeks Oil from Rogue Nations
As the United States continues to grapple with volatile energy prices, forcing families and businesses to dip into their savings to pay for increased...