
Safety & Security: Both are essential

It is not easy to talk about the importance of a strong domestic oil industry in the wake of the tragic incident in the...

A good year for geothermal

Last week, the state of Oregon dedicated its first geothermal power plant, which will utilize the heat in the ground to generate electricity. For...

Offshore Technology Conference: Houston, TX

Consumer Energy Alliance will serve as co-organizer of two panels at the 2010 Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) in May 2010 in Houston, Texas: Government’s Role...

Another vital industry that cannot get a break with fuel prices

At CEA, we spend a lot of time focusing on the real needs of real people and the ways they are impacted by domestic...

National forests and national resources

A few facts about the nation’s national forests: They comprise 8.5% of all land in the United States. Although the National Parks Service manages...

America can’t afford a new gas tax

Today, one day after April 15 when many of us have sent that check into the IRS and are feeling a little poorer, it...

Wind, wind everywhere?

2010 is shaping up as a milestone year for the wind power industry, which continues to see an abundance of new capacity added in...

More thoughts on keeping energy jobs – and all jobs in America

In a week that saw a major, positive breakthrough in the country’s offshore drilling policy, the stories of energy jobs moving overseas just keep...

Offshore drilling and the problem with compromise

Nobody was expecting – nor were very many recommending – that offshore drilling be allowed indiscriminately around all of the country. CEA applauded President...

A big step in the right direction

March 31 was a groundbreaking day of such historic significance that had its developments come one day later, it might well have been mistaken...