CEA President Discusses Energy on Houston Radio
On Feb 10th, CEA President David Holt sat down with Michael Berry on Houston's KTRH to discuss energy policy for a full hour. The discussion...
Fracking bans in cities hurt everyone
When groups take the irresponsible and uneducated position of saying no to energy development, everyone – especially those in oil-rich Texas communities – lose,...
Ideas for Making the Most of Gas Savings
Bloomberg reports that a steady decline in gas prices has left consumers with extra cash in their pockets after filling up their tanks. For one...
Keystone Tiptoes Closer to Final Congressional Approval
Today, the Senate voted to approve pro-Keystone legislation, setting the stage for what is likely to become one of the first Republican legislative victories...
CEA President: Arctic is “Key” to Energy Revolution
As a part of its Energy Insiders series, National Journal asked energy experts about the future of oil and gas development in the Arctic Refuge following President Obama's...
Consumer Advocate Group Offers Qualified Support for Federal Offshore Leasing Program
Consumer Advocate Group Offers Qualified Support for Federal Offshore Leasing Program
Houston, TX – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) President David Holt issued the following response...
Consumer Group Launches Arctic Focused Website
Houston, TX – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) today launched a new educational campaign, Arctic For All, designed to promote public awareness of Arctic issues...
College Station City Council Supports Continued Low Pump Prices
Statement by Tommy Foltz, Consumer Energy Alliance Executive Vice President
“CEA applauds the City Council’s decision last night,” said Tommy Foltz, Executive Vice President of...
State of the Union – To Boost the Middle Class, Look to Energy
President Obama will deliver his seventh State of the Union address this evening. From what we know based on a preview of his speech,...
Nebraska Supreme Court vacates lower court’s Keystone XL ruling
Michael Whatley, executive vice president of Consumer Energy Alliance, tells Oil & Gas Journal why the Obama administration should work quickly to approve what will clearly...