Press Releases

At Atlanta EPA Session, CEA Southeast Raises Questions About Affordability, Reliability

On Wednesday in Atlanta, the Environmental Protection Agency held one of their eleven planned public listening sessions meant to gather feedback from stakeholders and...

CEA: U.S. Should Adopt Recommendations to Strengthen America’s Energy Security

HOUSTON, TX: Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) praises the recommendations released today by the Energy Security Leadership Council (ESLC), which are designed to safeguard the...

To Jim Ferlo, Abandon the Ban

January 7, 2014 The Honorable Jim Ferlo Penn. State Senate Senate Box 203038 Harrisburg, PA 17120-3038 Room: 535 Main Capitol Building Dear Senator Ferlo, It’s January.  It’s cold. No surprise there, but...
Pipeline connection to oil refinery

CEA Issues Statement on Dakota Access Pipeline Decision

Houston, TX — David Holt, president of Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), issued the below statement on President Obama's decision to deny a construction easement...
Pipeline welder

Consumer Energy Alliance Applauds Trump Administration Pipeline Decisions

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) today commended President Donald Trump for signing a pair of Executive Orders that will allow the construction...
Boston Massachusetts Skyline

Energy Costs and Infrastructure Important for Bay Staters

A poll conducted for Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) this week shows that Massachusetts voters believe that energy issues are important and that they strongly...
Trans Alaska Pipeline in Winter

Consumer Energy Alliance Statement on Final Arctic Drilling Rule

In response to today’s Interior Department release of a final Arctic offshore exploratory drilling rule, Consumer Energy Alliance President David Holt issued the following...
Drilling Rig in Homer Alaska

Consumer Energy Alliance Statement on Cook Inlet Lease Sale Draft EIS

In response to today’s U,S, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) release of a draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for proposed Cook Inlet Lease...

CEA Applauds Removal of Anti-Pipeline Provisions from Massachusetts Energy Bill

Consumer Energy Alliance commended a conference committee comprised of members from the Massachusetts legislature that recently approved a final version of the Energy Diversity Bill...

CEA Asks Legislators to Support Vital Pipeline Infrastructure & Help Lower Electricity Costs

Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), a national consumer advocacy organization with more than 20,000 members in New England, delivered more than 4,500 letters from energy...