CEA’s Top 5 Favorite Energy Stories This Week – September 9

This week, the Biden administration released an ambitious blueprint for nearly half of the U.S. electric grid to be powered by solar energy by 2050. Some question the feasibility of the move, given that currently, solar energy powers only 3% of the grid.

But that’s not the only grid concern that was brought to the forefront this week. Nearly two weeks after Hurricane Ida, many people are still without power, leaving many to wonder if our grid and infrastructure can withstand storms like Ida in the future. Generator sales are reportedly up, showing the lack of confidence people have in their grid’s reliability.

However, some families in Arizona’s Navajo Nation can finally stop relying on the generators they’ve had to use for decades. The Navajo Nation and the Navajo Tribal Utility Authority this week finalized an agreement to extend power lines to homes in the community of Tonalea, Arizona. This extension will provide 23 Navajo families with electricity – some of whom have lived their entire lives without electricity.

In other news, new research tallying global cities’ emissions found that the top 25 are responsible for 52% of the planet’s urban greenhouse gas emissions. And twenty-three of those are in China – showing once again that U.S. produced energy is far more environmentally friendly than some of our global counterparts.

Check out more of our favorites stories from this week below!

5Concentrated solar thermal power holds promise for the future

Researchers are currently focused on innovative concentrated solar thermal (CST) energy, a type of power plant that can produce power after dark. Big Think explains how CST power plants gather solar photons and use them to heat water, which turns a steam turbine, which turns an electrical generator.


4The potential role of microgrids in a renewable grid

A new Department of Energy (DOE) report found that solar could account for about 40% of the US electricity supply by 2035, which helps to demonstrate the role microgrids could play in the future. Micro Grid Knowledge sparks interest in how solar technologies and microgrids can interact with the full energy system.


3China’s hydro storage plan aims to boost renewable energy use

China released a plan on Thursday that sets out a goal to develop its pumped hydro storage system by 2035. Reuters highlights how this effort it to in an effort to boost renewable energy consumption and ensure stable grid operation.

2Can solid-state batteries make electric vehicles better?

Because they can store more energy, solid-state batteries could be game changer for electric vehicles (EVs). Reuters breaks down how the batteries that are currently used in devices such as pacemakers and smart watches can charge faster and offer greater safety than liquid lithium-ion batteries.

1The future of laser-initiated fusion

The quest to make fusion power a reality took a big step recently when a laser-initiated experiment reaction showed how close the technology is to achieving power production. Tech Crunch reports on this development and its significance for creating a new chapter in physics: enabling controlled nuclear fusion with positive energy gain.

House Energy and Commerce Committee Should Support Lower Emissions Without Intentionally Raising Gas Prices, Inflation

Woman Fueling Car

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading energy and environmental advocate for families and businesses, released the following statement in advance of the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s markup of the Build Back Better Act:

“Americans are paying 44% more for gas today than they were a year ago. Families and small businesses are feeling the financial pain of high gas prices, high inflation and low wage growth. Adding new fees or imposing new taxes on domestic energy production will drive prices higher on nearly everything in America. Purposefully imposing these new costs on Americans will hurt US families and businesses, accelerate inflation, and cripple our energy independence while strengthening our adversaries abroad and doing nothing to meaningfully address climate change. In the face of high gas prices and rising inflation, we urge the committee to support policies that promote new technologies and lower emissions, but do not penalize families and small businesses that are just trying to make ends meet and return to some sense of normalcy coming out of the pandemic,” CEA Federal Affairs Advisor Michael Zehr said.


About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is the leading voice for sensible energy and environmental policies for consumers, bringing together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers, and manufacturers to support America’s environmentally sustainable energy future. With more than 550,000 members nationwide, we are committed to leading the nation’s dialogue around energy, its critical role in the economy, and how it supports the vital supply chains for the families and businesses that depend on them. CEA works daily to encourage communities across the nation to seek sensible, realistic, and environmentally responsible solutions to meet our nation’s energy needs.

Bryson Hull
(202) 657-2855

Is Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage Technology Too Expensive?

Carbon capture utilization and storage

As communities, businesses, and local, state, and national governments define their goals to meet an evolving energy mix, a contentious debate continues around various forms of new technology.

Humans have focused on efficiencies since the time of the Stone Age man. Many things that exist today are legacy applications of these first individuals. Cooking used to consist of using enormous hearths. Now that same application is wrested in smaller stovetop and oven technology. Carts and wheelbarrows advanced into the vehicles we see today, and heating derived from an open flame on the plains or in a cave has advanced to space heaters and electric systems in our homes.

Each generation of humans takes a new step to simplify and perfect existing technology to make them more efficient, faster, and with new materials. For millennia, people have decried the finite ability to continue with certain fuels and technologies. Yet as we are witnessing today, research and development combined with scientific discovery have allowed humans to create new materials and processes while utilizing and conserving older materials and processes better than we ever have before.

One of those systems is enhanced oil recovery (EOR) with carbon capture utilization and storage – or CCUS technology. Enhanced oil recovery is just a fancy way of saying, “Squeeze out the last drop.” Think of a tube of toothpaste, at the beginning, it’s easy to squeeze the paste onto your toothbrush. Halfway through, you have to work the paste closer to the top, and by the final go (especially if you forgot to get it at the store the last time you went) you’re working the paste from the sidewalls and the very bottom – pushing every last bit out until the tube is finally empty. That is EOR.

By the time a company gets to EOR or tertiary recovery (think, third time’s a charm!) they are essentially maximizing the existing well that’s already been drilled, to get out every last bit of oil there is so they don’t have to drill a new well. When used in conjunction with enhanced oil recovery, CCUS is essential to the process.

Why? Because after all of the oil has been taken from a well, there is now space to permanently store captured CO2. That means, through limited construction, it can be used as a storage vessel for large amounts of carbon that would otherwise be in the atmosphere. These now depleted wells are the foundation for CCUS storage.

Despite advancements in CCUS, environmental organizations are concerned with three pieces associated with the process and the technology.

1. The Cost

Opponents of CCUS criticize the current cost of its implementation and would like to see policymakers and leaders focused on more immediate, low-cost solutions. The problem with this thinking is it denies an existing and proven method to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Had we thought that way about technologies that we use now, we wouldn’t have other viable technologies that are helping us meet our climate goals like wind and solar.

If you remember, at the inception of solar photovoltaic cells in the 1950s (with inflation), costs were roughly $600,000. By 2010, residential units still cost $40,000. It wasn’t until 2021 that the national average price of a residential solar system was $2.94 per watt, which would mean a 5 kWh system would cost $14,700 and a 10 kWh system would cost $29,400. A 245% decrease in cost.

The cost of wind was roughly $750/kW from 2000 to 2002 – now, in 2021, those costs are 1-2 cents per kilowatt-hour. We gave that space and ingenuity to wind and solar. They also received incentives to ensure they were deployed and could reach scale in a cost-efficient manner. So, if you apply that logic and time to CCUS technology, systems could greatly decrease. Why would we leave this option off the table?

2. We Need to Focus on New Cleaner Sources of Energy to Meet Our Climate Goals

While we absolutely need to focus on developing new sources of energy to meet these goals, the reality is we will be using an increased amount of traditional fuels past 2050. The issue of climate change is real, and it is complex. There is no silver bullet to solving this problem. Policymakers, community leaders, and individuals need to work together to bring as many solutions to the table as possible to address the largest issue – emissions. New technology, with research, development, siting, permitting, construction, and more often need extended lead times that can be years and even decades do not help us with emissions now.

CCUS in and of itself combined with the 45Q tax incentive is an effective and existing technology that can help address those emissions and give them a place to be housed. The expansion of 45Q and CCUS technology through research and development would help to greatly expand this much-needed technology and bring carbon capture to scale. Researchers, scientists, and investors are already working on a prototype for this technology that could be viable in the future called direct air capture.

The bottom line is, do we want to address this technology now or in 10 years when we’re panicked and looking for new solutions to existing problems.

3. The Ongoing Use of Traditional Fuel

The energy transition is upon us, yet we still need multiple sources of energy in order to live our everyday lives. As we move towards a lower-carbon future to address global warming, we’ll need every tool in the toolbox to tackle the problem. While this process takes place, there are additional means of emissions reductions that can be implemented now while we continue using traditional energy sources. CCUS is one of them. As other advanced technologies come onto the market to address climate change, CCUS is ready to actively capture carbon that would otherwise be in the atmosphere – both at the wellhead and at industrial facilities. With CCUS, we can capture the CO2 from it and put it in storage. Remember it is called global warming, not America Warming.

This is a clear win for our environment that we don’t have to wait for. Climate change is not a binary process, so we shouldn’t treat it with a binary solution. Everything we do here at home to mitigate emissions and conserve energy helps the collective human population. Net-zero is the low-hanging fruit in this case. The closer we can get to it through efficiency, conservation, and maximization of current resources – the better.

Moving Forward

That means opponents of the cost of CCUS technology need to take into account the total cost and complexity of the energy transition as a whole. While CCUS projects can be expensive, limiting the development and availability of CCUS would slow down and considerably increase the cost and complexity of the energy transition by increasing reliance on technologies that are currently more expensive and at earlier stages of development.

Furthermore, not all CCUS projects are built the same. There are several types of CCUS projects based on source and there are still other types in development that will become more economically viable in the future.

Given the current initial phase of the energy transition, CCUS technologies are among the cheapest (and sometimes only) options for reducing CO2 emissions from heavy industry. Additionally, CCUS costs are already falling, with plenty of room for further reductions. According to the IEA, “Cost reductions have already been achieved at large-scale CCUS projects. For example, the cost of CO2 capture in the power sector has come down by 35% through its evolution from the first to the second large-scale CCUS facility, and this trend is set to continue as the market expands.”

These facts highlight the importance of the continued tax credits provided for CCUS just as they are for wind and solar generation. In fact, CCUS can support the integration of renewables in power systems as well, especially in regions where there are strong seasonal variations in renewable power generation.

Just as with wind and solar, realizing the potential cost reductions in CCUS requires strong policy support in the near term so that we are able to use an all of the above approach to reach net-zero emissions. Thankfully, the Administration has made CCUS a top priority in their myriad climate goals, including a call for $75 million in funding to engineer carbon capture projects.

Why You Should Care About the 45Q Carbon Capture Tax Credit

Policy. It is something our elected officials work on in Washington D.C. When the policies are meaningful enough or they affect people in ways we deem good or bad, the media often reports on them. Those policies are the rare few we hear about. More often than not, we don’t hear about the hundreds of policies created by Congress each year. One of those is the 45Q tax credit – a policy focused on reducing carbon emissions by building out carbon capture and sequestration technology.

The 45Q tax credit for carbon capture and sequestration is an important, effective, and fast-acting government policy that can help to attack the climate crisis on a massive scale.


It tackles issues of climate change by slowing its effects and it’s something that we can address today. As it stands, the 45Q tax credit is effective today, but it only scratches the surface of what is possible. If Congress would enhance and extend the incentive, the scale and pace of this technology would only increase our ability to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, create thousands of well-paying jobs, maximize how we’re currently developing U.S. resources, and using industrial facilities (considered some of the largest sources of emissions), and it would help keep U.S. energy prices low. The effects would be unprecedented.

What is the 45Q Tax Credit?

Section 45Q of the US tax code provides a performance-based tax credit for tax-paying businesses who physically or contractually ensure the capture and secure geological storage or use of carbon dioxide (CO2) that would otherwise be released to the atmosphere. As a performance-based tax credit, it means that the tax-paying business must prove and verify that it actually captured the CO2 and disposed of it, or used it in a way that will prevent it from ever being released into the atmosphere.

Once the CO2 is captured and sequestered, the government will then help reduce the high cost of the project in the form of tax credits. For carbon capture projects, the tax credit can be claimed when an eligible project has:

  • Securely stored the captured carbon dioxide (CO2) in geologic formations, such as oil fields and saline formations; or
  • Beneficially used captured CO2 or its precursor carbon monoxide (CO) as a feedstock to produce fuels, chemicals, and other products in a way that results in emissions reductions as demonstrated by a life-cycle emission analysis of the product.

Why is the Section 45Q Carbon Capture Tax Credit important?

At its core, the 45Q tax credit provides incentives to develop carbon capture projects that help slow the pace of climate change. Climate change is driven by the accumulation of greenhouse gases (GHG’s) in the Earth’s atmosphere. CO2 is a major GHG and CCUS projects are designed to help drive down emissions of CO2 here and now, to help meet our goals under the Paris Climate Agreement. Reducing those emissions is a vital piece of the puzzle to create a lower-carbon future.

The 45Q helps accelerate the construction of facilities that capture, store and utilize carbon waste streams from current power plants and industrial facilities that use fossil fuels to generate electricity and produce many U.S. products including steel, cement, fertilizer, hydrogen, ethanol, and many other chemicals and materials that we use in everyday life. The more robust the 45Q tax credit is the more work we can do to enhance our ability to capture and store carbon.

Why Should the 45Q Carbon Capture Tax Credit be extended and enhanced?

Detailed analysis from Columbia University’s Center on Global Energy Policy shows in a report that the additional capital costs to retrofit a typical combined-cycle natural gas power plant and a coal power plant in the United States create a financing gap. Each project requires a certain amount of money to support things like research and development, operation, construction, future development, and more. If that project is short any amount of money, you have a gap. However, if projects have the ability to build in the incentive credit, project developers and investors know just how much money they need to raise to ensure a project can happen. Without that incentive, investments in CCUS technology might become unattractive to investors, thus limiting another piece of the puzzle that will help us meet our climate goals. Therefore, it is imperative to reduce investment risks and attract private capital to finance CCUS projects.

AFL-CIO, Carbon Capture Coalition, Clean Air Task Force, Great Plains Institute, National Wildlife Federation, Third Way, and dozens of other institutions have written to Congress urging Senators and Members of the House to extend and enhance the 45Q tax credit to “expand and accelerate carbon capture deployment to reduce emissions, create and retain highly-skilled jobs that pay above prevailing wages and spur investment in domestic energy, industry, and manufacturing”.

Whether you support energy development or you want to see new solutions for climate change, enhancing the 45Q tax credit is vital to future energy solutions.

The Future of Gas Prices in PA

Person at Gas Station

Mike Butler, the Mid-Atlantic Director for the Consumer Energy Alliance, joined Rick Dayton to talk about 3 different factors that have impacted gas prices in PA, and across the country.

Listen here – KDKA AM 1020

CEA’s Top 5 Favorite Energy Stories This Week – September 3

Hurricane Ida made headlines all throughout this week for the devastation she left behind in Louisiana, Mississippi and even through the Northeast. Millions of people were and are still without power due to infrastructure damage and flooding. Offshore rigs strained to get up and running following the storm, so the Biden Administration authorized the release of emergency fuel stocks to maintain supply.

Meanwhile, OPEC continues to push for gradual production increases, resisting against the Biden Administration’s pressure to increase production more rapidly.

In renewable energy news, it was reported this week that the President plans to make federal land access cheaper for solar and wind developers in an effort to encourage investment and achieve the Administrations energy transition goals.

Check out more of our favorite stories from this week below!

5The U.S. added more new energy capacity from wind than any other source last year

According to research by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, a record 16,836 megawatts of new utility-scale land-based wind power capacity was added to U.S. energy infrastructure in 2020, representing about $24.6 billion of investment in new wind power. CNBC calculates that 42% of new electricity generation capacity in the U.S. came from land-based wind energy — more than from any other source.

4Wind-powered lamp post helps reduce light pollution

A student has created a wind-powered lamp post that uses a wind rotor to generate energy and a motion detection system to reduce light pollution. Inhabitat tells the story about the student’s green geometric lamp and why this street lamp can help improve “anaesthetic play, enriching streets, walkways and city squares — both during the day and at night.”

3DOE awards $30M to secure domestic supply chain of critical materials

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced $30 million in funding for 13 national lab and university-led research projects to develop new technologies to help secure the supply of critical materials that build clean energy technologies. Energy.gov shares how this research may help the U.S. to identify new mineral sources or to examine future reuse and recycling of materials.

2New material created for recovering wasted energy

Researchers have designed a material with very low thermal conductivity, which could be used to convert waste heat to electricity. Inside Science explains why the vast majority of energy gets dissipated as heat and how a way to recover those losses is by converting the waste heat into electricity.

1Pulling CO2 and cement-making materials out of seawater using renewable energy

Researchers are looking at how to pull CO2 using renewable energy and producing carbon-negative industrial materials, such as limestone for making concrete. Tech Crunch breaks down this research and explains how electricity and CO2-heavy seawater can produce useful materials that permanently sequester the gas.

World’s Dirtiest Cities List Raises Issue: Why Don’t Politicians Call Out China?

Shanghai China

A new tally of global cities’ emissions finds that the top 25 are responsible for 52% of the planet’s urban greenhouse gas emissions. Twenty-three of those are in China. CEA President David Holt dives into why it’s imperative the U.S. uses its innovation and leadership to spur other nations to make meaningful progress if they want to see global environmental improvement.

Natural gas is in large part responsible for our emissions reductions, as is our more recent and growing wind and solar power deployment. All of this ought to be applauded, not derided. It’s all good for our families, small businesses and farmers, and our economy. Energy is fundamental to a modern life, and it is essential to a healthy economy and population.


Yet the “we must do more” gang is silent on China’s rapidly increasing emissions. This comes while the U.S. continues to rapidly reduce our emission – including carbon, volatile organic compounds, nitrogen oxides, and many, many more.


Americans should demand reliable, affordable and environmentally superior energy. We must accept nothing less, and tell our leaders we are watching what is happening in the rest of the world.

Read more – Real Clear Energy

House Natural Resources Committee Should Consider Consumers, Environment and Energy Goals in Determining Reconciliation Budget

WASHINGTON, D.C.Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading energy and environmental advocate for families and businesses, released the following statement as the House Natural Resources Committee met today to discuss reconciliation allocations to determine the budget for the Department of Interior for fiscal year 2022:

“As the House Natural Resources Committee meets today to discuss provisions for the reconciliation bill, we urge lawmakers to remember how domestic energy policies directly affect the prices consumers face at the pump. Average U.S. gas prices are already 40% higher today than they were a year ago, and families and small businesses are struggling. Given the economic realities posed by inflation and higher gas prices, we encourage lawmakers to take responsible actions that stabilize and lower the costs to U.S. consumers,” CEA Federal Affairs Advisor Michael Zehr said.

“In addition to countering rising gas prices and employing tens of thousands of Americans, U.S.-produced energy is held to some of the most rigorous environmental standards in the world. As policy makers grapple with how to deal with high gas prices, it is worth noting that approaches restricting domestic production and asking OPEC to produce more oil and gas would harm both our economy and our environment while returning the U.S. to dangerous dependency on the Middle East.”

“The U.S. can lead the world on emissions reductions while addressing high gas prices facing consumers by encouraging continued efficient and environmentally sound development of U.S. natural resources. Simply outsourcing production to less regulated areas will not address the climate challenge or help U.S. consumers. Developing a competitive federal leasing program will not only help the Administration meet its climate goals, but it will lower gas prices and benefit the environment by reducing dependence on foreign countries for our energy needs.”

“Raising fees and royalties on domestic production, as some policymakers have proposed, will increase energy costs to U.S. consumers who are already facing 40% higher prices at the pump than just a year ago. At a time when so many families and businesses are struggling to fill their tanks and keep the lights on, purposefully increasing these costs seems misguided and insensitive to the real financial challenges facing American families and small businesses.”

“We strongly urge lawmakers to consider the impacts of their decisions on American energy consumers during the hearing today.”


About Consumer Energy Alliance
Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) is the leading voice for sensible energy and environmental policies for consumers, bringing together families, farmers, small businesses, distributors, producers, and manufacturers to support America’s environmentally sustainable energy future. With more than 550,000 members nationwide, we are committed to leading the nation’s dialogue around energy, its critical role in the economy, and how it supports the vital supply chains for the families and businesses that depend on them. CEA works daily to encourage communities across the nation to seek sensible, realistic, and environmentally responsible solutions to meet our nation’s energy needs.

Bryson Hull
(202) 657-2855

CEA’s Top 5 Favorite Energy Stories This Week – August 27

On Tuesday, the Biden Administration announced the resumption of onshore and offshore lease sales on federal lands and waters. While many are pleased with the continuation of lease sales, the Administration is receiving criticism that the delay was far too long and the announcement left many questions unanswered.

In other big news this week, the Minnesota Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal by opponents of the Line 3 oil pipeline, allowing construction on the project to continue.

As the Gulf prepares for Hurricane Ida, oil futures rose over 10% for the week under expectations that Gulf production will go offline, creating less supply in the near term.

Catch up on more of this week’s energy news below!


5Reduce the cost of floating offshore wind with a wall of turbines

Floating wind – as a wall of turbines in the future – could harness steadier, more powerful winds in waters further offshore. The Maritime Executive explains how this huge wind platform would generate the same energy as a conventional wind farm five times as large (by acreage) and each unit would be able to produce enough power to run 80,000 homes. 

4Energy companies are entering the digital world

While energy and utilities companies have entered the digital world later than some industries, the energy transition is creating a new digital paradigm in energy management, generation and consumption. Venture Beat shares how the electric utility industry is becoming more digital as they are making investments in upgrading the grid.

3One of the world’s largest floating solar farms opens

Singapore opened up a floating solar farm made up of 122,000 solar panels, about the size of 45 football fields. According to EuroNews.com the 60 megawatt-peak solar photovoltaic (PV) farm is now officially one of the largest operational inland floating solar PV systems in the world.

2The world’s biggest wind turbine

China’s MingYang Smart Energy announced a 16-megawatt offshore wind turbine that is 794 ft tall, capable of powering 20,000 homes per unit over a 25-year service life. New Atlas reports on how its three 387-ft blades will sweep an area bigger than six soccer fields.

1Magnetized concrete that wirelessly charges EVs

Researchers are looking at the viability of a new type of road that can charging electric vehicles while they are moving. The Brighter Side breaks down how the material is a combination of concrete and recycled magnetic particles, which can conduct electricity and drawn by a vehicle.

Nessel’s Approach to Higher Energy Costs

As consumers are paying more for life’s necessities, Consumer Energy Alliance commissioned an independent study examining the impact shutting down Line 5 would have on consumers across the Midwest which was cited as leading to higher energy costs.

A Line 5 shutdown would raise energy costs. Propane prices could rise by 10 to 14 cents per gallon, which is a 5-7% increase from residential propane prices in Michigan last March. If households in the Upper Peninsula opt to switch to electric heat, it could cost them over $25,000 initially and an additional $3,400 to $3,900 every year. And the regional economic impact would be devastating: Michigan alone could lose over $3 billion in economic activity, $1 billion in gross state product, and $58.6 million in state tax revenue, according to a report by the Consumer Energy Alliance.

Read more – Mackinac Center for Public Policy