CEA’s latest report “Fueling America’s Energy Consumers” highlights the often-overlooked fact that oil and natural gas provide the majority of energy used in the transportation sector, and when the price.
Washington, D.C. – In a new report released today by Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the organization warns policymakers that recent geopolitical turmoil and global oil price instability could negatively affect.
What’s the difference between crude oil and petroleum products? You might think they’re the same thing, but they’re not, they’re different! For those who’d like to do an online search.
CEA’s President, David Holt, discusses the impact high gas prices are having on families across the country and how increases in domestic energy production are helping to ease the burden.
Over the past 50 years, the United States has too often relied on foreign oil to fuel American families and small businesses. However, since the beginning of the shale revolution.
Michael Zehr, Federal Policy Advisor for Consumer Energy Alliance, discusses energy consumption in the U.S. with Les Sinclair. The Energy Information Administration says the U.S. is set to replace Russia.
The nation’s offshore energy resources are vast and could help provide long-term reliable energy to American families and businesses, so they can more affordably power and fuel their homes, electronics.
CEA’s Kevin Doyle combats the myths surrounding offshore energy exploration and production far off Georgia’s coast in the Atlantic so families can benefit from new economic opportunities and lower energy.
What keeps us safe? Some of us might think that it is a tightly locked home? Some people invest in alarm systems to keep them safe. For others, maybe it’s.
There is a large and growing debate in circles across the country and around the world on whether we should or can move to 100 percent renewables or a zero.