
Why Energy Issues Are Critical in Upcoming Elections

Expect to hear a lot of talk about energy issues leading up to and during this fall’s hotly contested election season. That is the consensus...

“Aviation biofuel”: A breakthrough

The airline industry has traditionally been wary of adopting alternative fuels, and it’s fair to say, with good reason. An electric car that travels...

Fact Sheet: Time to Update Arizona’s Netmetering Rules

Electricity Rates Should Be Fair and Affordable For All: Why Arizona Consumers Should Support Net Metering Updates Background: Solar energy is a core component of Arizona’s energy...

Wind industry to Obama: Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water

Last week we offered a general overview of the Obama administration’s new Ocean Policy Task Force and expressed our concerns that this well-intentioned effort...
Watching Television

Golden Globes Boast Meatless Menu – Is it Enough?

The Golden Globes set out to draw attention to climate change by introducing a meatless menu for this year’s event. While activists, like Greta...
Young woman checking her train in time board

Energy Grows Travel

While many often think of travel for businesses purposes first, according to the U.S. Travel Association (USTA), 74 percent of travel is for leisure...
Energy Star Logo

What Is Energy Star?

If you have appliances, home electronics or a heating and cooling system, you may have noticed an Energy Star label on one - or...

Energy efficiency: The other side of the equation

Last month, when President Obama unveiled the Better Buildings Initiative to provide incentives for businesses to become more energy efficient, we were reminded how...

Electricity Costs Top Concern in Evaluating “Climate Action Plan”

Consumer Group Warns of Economic Impact of Price Spikes Houston, TX – Consumer Energy Alliance’s Executive VP Michael Whatley released the following reaction to the...

The OPEC Oil Embargo- 40 Years and 100,000 Miles Away

The OPEC oil embargo, which caused long lines for gasoline and brought the issue of U.S. dependence on foreign oil into American living rooms,...