19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance



Woman Fighting Cold

Your co-worker Larry is at it again this year. The sniffling, the coughing, the sneezing. It is enough to drive you crazy, but mostly, you’re hoping that he’s been kind.


After the election results made history in some states across the nation, we thought some energy stories would break up all the political talk. Energy influences world economics and families.

Golden Gate Bridge Sunrise Panorama San Francisco California

While thousands in New York can’t get natural gas hookups because the administration of Gov. Andrew Cuomo has rejected every single pipeline application it has received, the tangled mess of.

Watching football on television

When most people think of energy consumption, they think of cars, homes, and office buildings. Those things do take a lot of energy, but they aren’t the whole story. Almost.

Northeast Snow Storm

Preparing for winter weather pays off if you’re trying to cut down on your energy bill. The more prepared for winter you are, the more you can insulate yourself from.

Top 5 Podcast

Reading. You either love it or you hate it. Maybe you read all day for work, so by the time you get home you just want to relax. Maybe it’s.

Taconite Mine Along Lake Superior

Mining is a four letter word is some communities. The U.S. continues to shut down mines, but the fact of the matter is that other critical minerals are used in.

Family in airport

Were you a victim of the airport blackouts in Atlanta and Los Angeles? Pittsburgh International Airport has taken an new approach to a solution. Microgrid is quite the buzzword around.

Construction Workers Paving Road

Potholes are the worst. Luckily, California based company TechniSoil Industrial has a solution. They’ve created a process that allows for current roads to be recycled; and they last 8 to.


It’s not just tennis shoes getting a plastic redesign, now it may be your roads. TechniSoil Industrial is the company that has designed a new process for covering roads with.