19 years advocating for affordable, reliable, cleaner energy solutions for all Americans

Consumer Energy Alliance


Press Releases

Columbus Ohio Downtown River

Columbus, OH – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading national consumer advocate on energy issues, today released a statement following U.S. Senator Rob Portman’s (R-OH) announcement this week on the.

Ohio farm with springtime corn crop

Harrisburg, PA – As thousands flock to the 103rd Annual PA Farm Show to learn and experience more about the Commonwealth’s agriculture community, the agricultural community is also celebrating the.

Man clearing snow with a snow blower

Boston, M.A. – Meteorologists are predicting another harsh winter throughout the United States, with a particularly cold season for New Yorkers and New Englanders. This means residents throughout the region.

Fort Lauderdale Beach at sunrise from drone point of view

Orlando, Fla. — Thanks to increased production and safer, state-of-the-art technologies – which together have decreased the price of natural gas – Florida’s families and businesses saved more than $8.


WASHINGTON, D.C — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), a national advocate for energy consumers, today hosted “The Future of Electricity Forum” in Washington, D.C., with a keynote speech by U.S. Secretary.

Manufacturing worker in a factory

WILLIAMSBURG, VA — Thanks to increased production and safer, state-of-the-art technologies – which together have decreased the price of natural gas — Virginians saved almost $11 billion between 2006 and.


NORFOLK, V.A. — Domestic energy production and expansions in infrastructure continue to be a must-have for American energy dominance and national and economic security, benefitting American families, small businesses and.

Young father and two little kid boys feeding fishes and big brown pelicans

Tallahassee, FL – A new poll released today by Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) and the Florida State Hispanic Chamber of Commerce finds overwhelming support from Floridians for a balanced approach.


ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Thanks to increased production and safer, state-of-the-art technologies – which together have decreased the price of natural gas – New Mexico families and businesses saved more than.

Signing a letter

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), a national advocate for families and businesses who rely on safe and affordable energy, is pleased to announce that the CEA Energy Consumer.