
Kayaking outdoors

Gulf of Mexico Production Helps the US Achieve Climate Targets

Michael Zehr, CEA's Federal Affairs Advisor, recently spoke about the negative impact suspending oil and gas leasing in Gulf of Mexico would have on...
Birds flying over the Gulf of Mexico

Eliminating Gulf of Mexico Oil and Gas Leasing Will Hurt U.S. Climate Achievements, Consumer...

WASHINGTON - Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) Federal Affairs Adviser Michael Zehr made the following statement in advance of Thursday’s House Natural Resources Subcommittee on...
oil and gas

Offshore U.S. Oil and Gas Is Critical to Lowering Energy Prices

CEA President Holt examines the history of offshore leasing for energy exploration and production and how freezing federal lease sales leads to higher gas...
Sitting on the beach during sunset

Experts Say Gas Prices May Rise for Rest of 2022

With prices continually rising at the gas pump, CEA's Kevin Doyle looked at some of the causes of higher energy prices and when families...
Welder Inside of Pipeline

Public Service Commission Begins Hearing Line 5 Testimony

The Michigan Public Service Commission began hearing testimony on January 14 related to a permit request by Enbridge to relocate a section of the...
Children Having Bath And Brushing Teeth

Restrictions on Domestic Energy Production Leave Consumers Vulnerable

With families paying ever increasing amounts of money on their energy bills, CEA Florida's Kevin Doyle examines solutions state and federal leaders can begin...
Community houses with palms, South Florida

Important to Evaluate Opportunities for All Floridians to Benefit from Solar Energy, Consumer Energy...

TALLAHASSEE – Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA), the leading North American energy and environmental advocate for families and businesses, today testified during a legislative hearing...
Putting gas in car

Gas Prices to Rise in 2022 Amid Soaring Demand, Omicron Spread

Michael Zehr, CEA's federal policy advisor recently sat down with Cheddar News to talk about soaring gas prices and the pain consumers will be...
Manufacturing on the factory floor

Ohio Has Much at Stake in Michigan’s Pipeline Fight

CEA's independent report, The Regional Economic and Fiscal Impacts of an Enbridge Line 5 Shutdown, was recently citied examining the substantial economic impact and...
Senior citizen keeping warm by the fire

Please Don’t Count American Oil and Gas Production Out

CEA's Mike Butler examines one of the consequences of cancelled energy infrastructure projects which places constraints on the energy supplies Americans need to power...